Small Business Board Meeting Minutes

Small Business Board Meeting Minutes

Company Name:



April 16, 2055


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Conference Room A & B

  • Chairperson: Christopher Wright

  • Minute Taker: [YOUR NAME]

  • Attendees:

    • Stephen Walsh (Member)

    • Trevor McGrath (Member)

    • Isaac Jackson (Member)

    • William Vance (Member)

    • Piers Turner (Member)

    • Simon Pullman (Member)

  • Absent:

    • Diane Blake

    • Alan Fraser

    • Grace Nolan

1. Call to Order

  • Time: 10:00 AM

  • Presided by: Chairperson Christopher Wright

  • The chairperson called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

2. Approval of Previous Minutes

  • Discussion: Review of minutes from the previous meeting held on March 12, 2055

  • Action: Motion to approve the minutes as written by Yvonne MacLeod, seconded by Simon Pullman.

  • Vote: Unanimously approved.

3. Financial Report

  • Presented by: Trevor McGrath

  • Summary:

    • Current Cash Balance: $50,000

    • Revenue for the Month: $10,000

    • Expenses for the Month: $7,000

    • Net Profit: $3,000

  • Discussion: Discussion on budget adjustments for upcoming marketing campaigns.

  • Action: Agreement to allocate an additional $5,000 for digital marketing.

  • Vote: Approved with a majority; 3 in favor, 1 abstained.

4. Strategic Decisions

  • New Product Development:

    • Discussion: Proposal to develop a new line of eco-friendly widgets.

    • Feasibility Study: Presentation of market research findings by John Smith.

    • Action: Decision to proceed with the initial design phase.

    • Vote: Unanimously approved.

  • Expansion Plans:

    • Discussion: Consideration of expanding distribution to the western region.

    • Evaluation: Review of logistics and potential costs involved.

    • Action: Formation of a task force to further explore this option.

    • Vote: Approved with a majority; 3 in favor, 1 opposed (Emily White).

5. Other Business

  • Customer Feedback Report:

    • Presented by: Piers Turner

    • Key Points: Recent customer survey results indicate high satisfaction with product quality but requests for more variety.

    • Action: Decision to assess the feasibility of expanding product lines discussed in the next meeting.

6. Next Meeting


May 15, 2055


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Conference A & B

7. Adjournment

  • Time: 12:00 PM

  • Closing: The chairperson thanked everyone for their contributions and adjourned the meeting.

Minutes Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Minutes Approved by: Christopher Wright (Chairperson)

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