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Law Firm Leave Letter

Law Firm Leave Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Company Number]

[Your Email]

[Month Day, Year]

[Supervisor’s Name]

[Their Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

Subject: Leave of Absence Request

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence for personal reasons, to be taken from [start date] to [end date]. I understand our team's needs and the timing of my request, and I have considered how my absence might impact our ongoing projects and client commitments.

To ensure continuity in my duties, I propose the following preparations:

  • Transition of Current Projects: I will ensure all current matters are at an appropriate stage before my leave. Detailed progress reports will be provided to you and to [colleague’s name], who I suggest could cover for me in my absence.

  • Client Communication: I will inform all relevant clients of my upcoming leave, ensuring them that our team will continue to provide the necessary support in my absence, with [colleague’s name] as their primary contact.

  • Availability for Emergencies: Although I plan to completely disconnect during this time to focus on my personal matters, I will be reachable via email for any urgent issues that might arise, and I will ensure that all parties have my contact information.

I believe that with proper planning, my absence will not adversely affect the operations of our department. I request your approval for this leave at your earliest convenience, so I may finalize my plans and ensure a smooth transition.

I appreciate your understanding and support regarding my request and look forward to your approval. Please let me know if there are forms to complete or additional information you require. I am committed to making this process as seamless as possible and am available to discuss this request further at your convenience.

Thank you for considering my request.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Contact Information]

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