Church Business Meeting Minutes

Church Business Meeting Minutes

Church Name:





April 16, 2050


7:00 PM

I. Attendance

  • Pastor John

  • Deacon Sarah

  • Deacon Michael

  • Sister Mary

  • Brother James

II. Opening

  • The meeting was called to order by Pastor John at 7:00 PM.

  • Opening prayer led by Deacon Sarah.

III. Approval of Previous Minutes

  • The minutes of the previous church business meeting held on March 10, 2050, were reviewed.

  • Motion to approve the minutes: Deacon Michael motioned to approve, seconded by Sister Mary.

  • Result of the vote: The minutes were approved with no corrections.

IV. Reports

1. Financial Report:

  • Presented by Brother James.

  • Summary of Income and Expenses:







    Net Balance


2. Committee Reports:

The Missions Committee reported on upcoming outreach events.

V. Old Business

Discussion and decisions on previously tabled items or ongoing matters.

VI. New Business

1. Policy Discussion:

  • Discussion on the updated church bylaws.

  • Motion to approve the updated bylaws: Deacon Michael motioned, seconded by Sister Mary.

  • Result of the vote: The updated bylaws were approved unanimously.

2. Financial Decision:

  • Discussion on allocating funds for building maintenance.

  • Motion to allocate $5,000 for building maintenance: Deacon Sarah motioned, seconded by Brother James.

  • Result of the vote: The motion was passed with a majority vote.

VII. Announcements

Pastor John announced the upcoming church community service schedule.

VIII. Closing

  • Next meeting date and time: May 14, 2050, at 7:00 PM.

  • Closing prayer led by Sister Mary.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM by Pastor John.

Prepared by:


Church Secretary

April 16, 2050

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