Corporate Committee Meeting Minutes

Corporate Committee Meeting Minutes



Committee Name:

Audit Committee


March 1, 2050


10:00 AM


Boardroom A

I. Attendees

  • Ben Duncan, Chairperson

  • Mary King, Committee Member

  • Jack Brown, Committee Member

  • Lily Wright, Committee Member

  • David White, Committee Member

  • [YOUR NAME], Secretary

II. Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Ben Duncan, the Chairperson, at 10:00 AM.

2. Roll Call

The secretary conducted a roll call to establish a quorum. All members were present.

3. Approval of Agenda

The agenda for the meeting was approved as circulated.

4. Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held on February 15, 2050, were approved as circulated.

5. Matters Arising

Reviewed progress on action items from the previous meeting.

6. Reports

  • Ben Duncan presented the quarterly financial report.

  • Mary King provided an update on the internal audit findings.

  • Jack Brown reported on the progress of the external audit.

7. Old Business

Discussed the implementation of recommendations from the previous audit.

8. New Business

Discussed upcoming regulatory changes and their potential impact on the company.

9. Actions Required

  • Mary King to follow up on outstanding audit findings.

  • David White to research and report on the new regulatory changes.

10. Announcements

Ben Duncan announced the date for the next audit committee meeting on April 5, 2050.

III. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM by Ben Duncan, the Chairperson. The next meeting is scheduled for April 5, 2050, at 10:00 AM, Boardroom A, Corporate Headquarters.

Prepared by:

[YOUR NAME], Secretary

Approved by:

Ben Duncan, Chairperson


  • All members of the Audit Committee

  • Board of Directors

  • Executive Management Team

Meeting Minutes Templates @