Sports Club Meeting Minutes

Sports Club Meeting Minutes


April 16, 2050


7:00 PM


Clubhouse Meeting Room

I. Attendees:

  • Chris Parker (Club President)

  • [YOUR NAME] (Club Secretary)

  • Isla Horton (Club Treasurer)

  • Edison Gray (Club Coach)

  • Lyla Cook (Club Player)

  • Xavier Green (Club Player)

II. Meeting Minutes:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chris Parker.

2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held on March 20, 2050, were approved as circulated.

3. Agenda Review

The agenda for the meeting was reviewed and approved.

4. Reports

  • Club President's Report: Chris Parker reported on the progress of the club's fundraising efforts.

  • Club Treasurer's Report: Isla Horton presented the financial report, highlighting the club's current financial status.

  • Club Coach's Report: Edison Gray provided an update on the team's performance and upcoming matches.

  • Club Player's Report: Lyla Cook and Xavier Green shared feedback from the players regarding training sessions and equipment.

5. Old Business

Discussion on fundraising event planning.

6. New Business

  • Planning for upcoming tournaments.

  • Discussion on improving training facilities.

7. Action Items


Assigned To



Organize fundraising event

Isla Horton

May 15, 2050

In progress

Secure sponsorship for tournaments

Chris Parker

June 1, 2050

Not started

8. Open Floor

Members were given the opportunity to raise any other matters not covered in the agenda.

9. Announcements

  • Next training session is on April 18, 2050, at 5:00 PM.

  • Fundraising committee meeting on April 20, 2050, at 6:30 PM.

10. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM by Chris Parker.

Next Meeting: May 14, 2050, at 7:00 PM

Next Meeting Agenda Items:

  • Review of fundraising event progress.

  • Tournament preparation update.

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME], Club Secretary

Approved By: Chris Parker, Club President

III. Attachments:

  • Financial Report

IV. Distribution:

  • All Attendees

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