Church Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes

Church Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes

Church Name:

[Your Company Name]


March 10, 2050


9:00 AM


Conference Room, [Your Company Name]


  • Robert M. Norman, Chairperson

  • Steven Y. Briceno, Vice Chairperson

  • Leo S. Patterson, Secretary

  • Mary J. Burrill, Treasurer

  • David A. Rudy, Board Member

  • Albert M. McRae, Board Member


1. Mae B. Davis, Board Member

I. Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at [Time] by Robert M. Norman.

II. Opening Prayer:

The opening prayer was conducted by David A. Rudy.

III. Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was reviewed and unanimously approved as presented.

IV. Approval of Previous Minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting held on [Date] were reviewed and approved without amendments.

V. Treasurer's Report:

Mary J. Burrill presented the financial report for the month of [Month]. Key highlights include:

  • Total income: $2000

  • Total expenses: $1500

  • Net balance: $500

VI. Committee Reports:

a. Finance Committee:

  • Financial committee report presented by Albert M. McRae.

  • Reviewed the monthly finances. Income: $2000, expenses: $1500, net balance: $500.

b. Outreach Committee:

  • Outreach committee report presented by David A. Rudy.

  • Organized food drive, volunteered at nursing home, hosted mental health seminar. Planning a clothing drive, education fundraiser.

VII. Old Business:

  • The board discussed the progress of the fundraising campaign for the church renovation project.

  • The board reviewed the action items from the last meeting regarding volunteer recruitment for the upcoming charity event

VIII. New Business:

a. Discussion on Church Renovation:

  • David A. Rudy presented proposals for the renovation of the church sanctuary.

  • After thorough discussion, it was decided to form a subcommittee to further explore renovation options and report back to the board.

b. Fundraising Event Planning:

  • Albert M. McRae proposed ideas for upcoming fundraising events.

  • The board agreed to schedule a fundraising event planning session to brainstorm ideas further.

IX. Announcements:

  • [Any announcements from board members or staff.]

X. Next Meeting:

The next board meeting is scheduled for [Date] at [Time] in [Location].

XI. Adjournment:

The meeting was adjourned at [Time] by Robert M. Norman.

Minutes Prepared By:

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

March 10, 2050

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