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Law Firm Payment Reminder Email

Law Firm Payment Reminder Email

Subject: Friendly Reminder: Outstanding Payment Due for Legal Services

Dear [Client's Name],

We appreciate the opportunity to serve as your legal counsel and wanted to bring to your attention an outstanding balance on your account with [Your Company Name].

As you know, we have recently provided you with legal assistance in legal services, including but not limited to:

  • Conducting legal research and analysis on legal issue

  • Drafting contracts, agreements, etc.

  • Representing you in negotiations, hearings, etc.

We strive to deliver exceptional service to our clients, and we hope that you found our assistance valuable in addressing your legal needs.

We have noticed that there is an unpaid invoice, numbered [Invoice Number], dated [Invoice Date], in the amount of [$00], which remains outstanding. According to our records, the payment was due on [Date].

To facilitate the settlement of this outstanding balance, we offer several convenient payment options:

Online Payment: You can make a secure online payment directly through our website using a credit or debit card. Simply visit [Your Company Website] and navigate to the "Payment" section to complete the transaction. Please ensure to include the invoice number in the payment reference.

Bank Transfer: You may also choose to settle the invoice via bank transfer. Our bank details are as follows:

  • Bank Name: [Bank Name]

  • Account Name: [Account Name]

  • Account Number: [Account Number]

  • Routing Number (if applicable): [Routing Number]

Please include the invoice number in the payment reference to facilitate proper allocation.

Kindly ensure that the invoice number is clearly indicated on the check.

If you have already processed the payment, we kindly ask you to disregard this notice. However, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the invoice or payment process, please do not hesitate to contact our accounts receivable department at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email]. We are here to assist you in any way we can.

We value your partnership and appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Your timely payment helps us maintain the high level of service that you expect from [Your Company Name].

Thank you for your cooperation and continued trust in our firm.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]

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