Law Firm Confirmation Letter

Law Firm Confirmation Letter


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Address]

Subject: Confirmation of Legal Representation Assignment

Dear [Recipient Name],

We are writing to confirm our agreement to provide legal services as discussed in our previous communications. This letter serves to ensure clarity and mutual understanding of the terms and arrangements as we move forward.

Details of the Agreement

  • Scope of Services: As per our discussion, we will be providing comprehensive legal counsel and representation in matters related to your corporate restructuring.

  • Effective Date: Our services will commence on [Date] and will continue as agreed upon.

  • Fees and Payment Terms: As agreed, our fees will be billed at [Rate], payable upon receipt of our monthly invoice.

  • Key Contacts: Your primary contact at our firm will be [Your Name], who can be reached at [Your Email].

Next Steps

To finalize our engagement, please:

  • Review and sign the attached copy of the Legal Representation Agreement.

  • Return the signed copy to our office by [Date].

  • Provide any initial documentation or information required to begin the services, as outlined in our initial consultation.

Confirmation Requested

Please confirm receipt of this letter and that the details above correctly reflect our understanding. You may confirm by replying to this email, calling us at [Your Company Number], or sending a signed copy of this letter back to us.

We appreciate your trust in [Your Company Name] to handle your legal needs and look forward to a productive and successful relationship. Should you have any questions or require further clarification on any aspect of our agreement, do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Thank you once again for choosing our firm. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality legal services.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Email]

[Your Company Name]

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