Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Booster Club Meeting Minutes

I. Attendance

Date: [Date of Meeting]
Time: [Time of Meeting]
Location: [Venue]


  • [Member 1]

  • [Member 2]

  • [Member 3]

II. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at [Time] by [President's Name], the President of [Booster Club Name].

III. Approval of Previous Minutes

  • The minutes from the previous meeting held on [Date] were reviewed and approved. Discussion points included:

    • Action items completed

    • Outstanding tasks

    • Any amendments to be made

IV. Treasurer's Report

[Treasurer's Name] presented the financial report, detailing income and expenses since the last meeting. Key points discussed:

  • Income sources

  • Expenses incurred

  • Budget variances

  • Any outstanding payments or receivables

  • Recommendations for financial adjustments

V. Fundraising Activities and Event Planning





Progress Update

[Event 1]



Coordinate volunteers for setup and ticket sales.

Ticket sales are on track. Volunteers confirmed.

[Event 2]



Secure sponsorships and organize promotional materials.

Sponsorship secured. Flyers distributed.

VI. Resource Allocation

  • Determined allocation of funds for:

    • Equipment purchases

    • Uniforms or apparel

    • Travel expenses

    • Other needs identified by members

VII. Membership Updates

  • Welcomed new members and discussed membership dues.

  • Reviewed member participation in club activities.

VIII. Communication and Outreach

  • Discussed strategies for improving communication with members and the community.

  • Reviewed social media presence and upcoming announcements.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at [Time] by [President's Name]. The next meeting will be held on [Date] at [Time] in [Venue].

Meeting Minutes Prepared and Submitted By: [Your Name]

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