Law Firm Affidavit of Support

Law Firm Affidavit of Support

I, [Attorney Name], a licensed attorney representing [Your Company Name], hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the following statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief:

  1. I am an attorney duly licensed to practice law in [Jurisdiction], and I am authorized to execute this Affidavit of Support on behalf of [Your Company Name], a law firm duly registered and operating within the laws of [Jurisdiction].

  2. [Your Company Name] acknowledges its responsibility to provide support and assistance in legal matters to individuals requiring representation in various legal proceedings.

  3. [Your Company Name] confirms its capability and willingness to provide legal counsel and representation to [Client's Name], herein referred to as the "Client," in [Nature of Legal Matter] proceedings.

  4. The support provided by [Your Company Name] to the Client will include but is not limited to legal consultations, drafting of legal documents, representation in court proceedings, and any other necessary legal assistance pertaining to the aforementioned legal matter.

  5. [Your Company Name] affirms that it possesses the requisite expertise, resources, and qualifications to effectively represent the Client in the legal matter outlined above.

  6. [Your Company Name] understands the obligations associated with providing legal support and affirms its commitment to adhering to all applicable laws, rules, and ethical standards governing the legal profession in [Jurisdiction].

  7. [Your Company Name] further acknowledges that this Affidavit of Support is provided at the request of the Client to demonstrate its commitment to providing legal assistance and support throughout the duration of the legal proceedings.

  8. This Affidavit of Support is made for the purpose of confirming [Your Company Name]'s commitment to providing legal assistance to the Client and may be presented as evidence of such commitment in any legal or administrative proceeding where deemed necessary.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of [Jurisdiction] that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on this [Date] day of [Month, Year].

[Attorney Name]


[Your Company Name]

[Notary Seal/Stamp, if applicable]

[Notary Public Name]

[Notary Public Commission Number]

[Notary Public Expiration Date]

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