Nonprofit Staff Meeting Minutes

Nonprofit Staff Meeting Minutes

Date: [January 15, 2050]

Time: [9:00 AM - 10:30 AM]

Location: [Conference Room A]


  • [Madison Phillips, Executive Director]

  • [Riley Williams, Program Manager]

  • [Abigail Garcia, Finance Officer]

  • [Samuel Arnold, Marketing Coordinator]

  • [Levi Willis, Volunteer Coordinator]

  • [Your Name], Minutes Preparer

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by [Riley Williams, Chair of the Board], at [9:00 AM].

II. Approval of Agenda

The agenda for the meeting was reviewed and approved. (See attached Agenda document)

III. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • The Nonprofit Staff Meeting Minutes from [January 1, 2050] were reviewed.

  • Corrections and Updates:

    • [Madison Phillips] suggested adding a clarification on the volunteer recruitment strategy.

    • [Samuel Arnold] requested an update on the fundraising goals.

IV. Reports and Updates

  • Financial Report:

    • [Abigail Garcia] presented a summary of the financial standing.

  • Program Report:

    • [Riley Williams] provided an update on ongoing programs.

  • Marketing Update:

    • [Samuel Arnold] shared progress on the upcoming fundraising campaign.

V. Old Business

  • [Levi Willis] led a discussion on the progress of the community outreach project.

    • Decision: The project timeline will be adjusted to accommodate additional volunteers.

VI. New Business

  • Upcoming Events:

    • [Riley Williams] discussed plans for the annual fundraising gala.

      • Decision: The gala date set for [February 28, 2050].

  • Volunteer Recruitment:

    • [Levi Willis] proposed new strategies for volunteer recruitment.

      • Action Item:

        • [Samuel Arnold] to create volunteer recruitment campaign by [January 25, 2050].

VII. Action Items

  • Prepare Grant Proposal:

    • Assigned To: [Abigail Garcia]

    • Due Date: [January 20, 2050]

  • Update Social Media Calendar:

    • Assigned To: [Samuel Arnold]

    • Due Date: [January 18, 2050]

  • Finalize Gala Invitation Design:

    • Assigned To: [Riley Williams]

    • Due Date: [January 22, 2050]

VIII. Announcements

[Madison Phillips] reminded staff about the upcoming training session on volunteer management, sponsored by [Your Company Name].

IX. Open Floor

  • Staff members raised concerns about parking availability during the gala.

  • [Riley Williams] assured they will explore additional parking options.

X. Next Meeting

The next Nonprofit Staff Meeting is scheduled for [February 5, 2050] at [9:00 AM].

XI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at [10:30 AM].

Minutes Prepared By:

  • [Your Name]

Approved By: