Nonprofit Fundraising Meeting Minutes

Nonprofit Fundraising Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

  • Date: [March 15, 2050]

  • Facilitator: [Nova Bennett]

  • Location: [Virtual Meeting]


  • [Nova Bennett]

  • [Lily Jackson]

  • [Addison Simmons]

  • [Aurora Collins]

  • [Your Name]

I. Opening of the Meeting

  • Time: [10:00 AM]

  • The meeting hosted by [Your Company Name], commenced with [Nova Bennett] welcoming everyone and outlining the agenda.

II. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • The minutes from the [February 10, 2050] meeting were reviewed.

  • Action: Follow-ups on donation requests initiated.

III. Progress Report on Ongoing Campaigns

  • Ongoing Campaigns:

    1. "Spring Fundraiser Gala": Ticket sales update, theme finalized.

    2. "Community Outreach Drive": Reached 50% of donation target.

  • Funds Raised to Date: $25,000

  • Outstanding Concerns or Obstacles: Volunteer shortage for upcoming events.

IV. New Fundraising Ideas

Brainstorming Session:

  • [Idea 1: Virtual auction for unique experiences.]

  • [Idea 2: Partnership with local businesses for sponsorships.]

V. Budget Review

Financial Summary:

  • Total Funds Raised: $25,000

  • Allocated Funds: Gala venue, marketing materials, community outreach.

  • Discussion Points:

    • Expense breakdown for Gala preparations.

    • Discussion on reallocating funds for volunteer recruitment.

VI. Upcoming Events

Event Planning:

  • "Spring Fundraiser Gala": Assigning roles for decorations, guest check-in.

  • "Community Outreach Drive": Logistics for donation drop-off points.

VII. Volunteer Recruitment and Training

Volunteer Needs:

  • Campaign for recruiting additional volunteers.

  • Training webinar scheduled for [March 20, 2050].

VIII. New Business

  • Introduction of new fundraising initiative: "Youth Talent Showcase".

  • Proposals for partnership with local businesses for sponsorships.

    • Decisions reached:

      • Approved Youth Talent Showcase launch in April.

      • Partnership discussions to continue with top three sponsors.

IX. Assignments and Tasks for Next Meeting

Task | Assigned To | Deadline

  • Plan marketing strategy for Gala | [Stella Reese] | [March 25, 2050]

  • Contact potential sponsors for Youth Talent Showcase | [Lucas Campbell] | [March 31, 2050]

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at [11:30 AM] by [Nova Bennett]. The next general meeting will be at:

  • Date: [April 10, 2050]

  • Time: [10:00 AM]

  • Location: [Virtual Meeting]

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