Annual Trustee Meeting Minutes

Annual Trustees Meeting Minutes


Date: April 10, 2050
Time: 10:00 AM



Michael Green


Sarah Connors


Omar Hassan


Emily White


Lucas Grey


Chairperson: Michael Green
Secretary: [YOUR NAME]

I. Opening of the Meeting

  • The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by Chairperson Michael Green.

  • Emily White confirmed the presence of a quorum.

  • The agenda was approved as distributed.

II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • The minutes of the last annual meeting dated April 15, 2049, were reviewed.

  • Motion to approve: Sarah Connors; Seconded: Lucas Grey

  • Motion passed unanimously.

III. Reports

3.1 Chairperson’s Report
Michael Green discussed the trust’s progress and highlighted key achievements and challenges over the past year. He commended the trustees for their dedicated efforts.

3.2 Financial Report
Emily White presented the annual financial statements, noting a 5% increase in assets and a 3% increase in grant funding. She emphasized the trust’s strong financial position.

3.3 Committees’ Reports




Audit Committee

Sarah Connors

Successful completion of the annual audit.

Funding Committee

Lucas Grey

Secured three new major funding partners.

IV. Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business from the previous year.

V. New Business

  • Proposal for New Educational Grant Program: Discussed the proposal for a new initiative to fund STEM education in underprivileged areas. The board agreed to allocate $200,000 to pilot the program in five schools.

    • Motion to approve: Lucas Grey; Seconded: Sarah Connors. Motion passed unanimously.

  • Trustee Election: Omar Hassan’s term has concluded. The board welcomed Anita Kumar as a new trustee.

    • Motion to appoint: Sarah Connors; Seconded: Michael Green

    • Motion passed with a majority; Michael Green abstained.

VI. Any Other Business

Michael Green suggested scheduling an extraordinary meeting to discuss the trust’s expansion strategy. All agreed, and a date was set for June 30, 2050.

VII. Date of Next Meeting

Next annual meeting scheduled for April 10, 2051, at the same location.

VIII. Closing

  • The meeting was formally adjourned at 12:45 PM.

  • Minutes were signed by Chairperson Michael Green and Secretary [YOUR NAME].

IX. Attachments and Appendices

  • Appendix A: Financial Statements for FY 2050

  • Appendix B: Audit Committee Report

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