Library Trustee Meeting Minutes

Library Trustee Meeting Minutes

Library Name


Meeting Date

July 15, 2050

Meeting Time

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Main Conference Room


  • Chair: Mr. Jonathan Ellis

  • Vice Chair: Dr. Linda Huan

  • Treasurer: Ms. Angela Mbita

  • Secretary: [YOUR NAME]

  • Member: Ms. Rashida Lem

  • Member: Mr. Enrique Salvo

  • Library Director: Ms. Emily Stanton


  • None

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Mr. Jonathan Ellis, at 3:00 PM.

II. Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on July 15, 2049, were presented. [YOUR NAME] moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Dr. Linda Huan. The motion passed unanimously.

III. Reports

3.1 Chair's Report

Mr. Jonathan Ellis provided an overview of the Library’s achievements over the past year, including the successful renovation of the children's section and the increase in library memberships by 20%.

3.2 Treasurer's Report

Ms. Angela Mbita reported a stable financial status with an operating budget of $500,000. She noted a grant of $50,000 received for digital resources. The financial report was accepted as presented after a motion by Ms. Rashida Lem and a second by Mr. Enrique Salvo.

3.3 Library Director's Report

Ms. Emily Stanton highlighted several key initiatives:

  • Introduction of digital literacy workshops.

  • Expansion of the online book collection.

  • Upgrades to the library's Wi-Fi system. The report was received with commendations on the progress.

IV. New Business

4.1 Proposal for Extended Hours

Ms. Stanton proposed extending library operating hours on weekends. After discussion, the motion to extend hours was put forward by Dr. Huan, seconded by Mr. Jenkins, and approved unanimously.

4.2 Fundraising Gala

Discussion of planning a Fundraising Gala in November 2050 to support library programs. Ms. Lem volunteered to head the organizing committee. The board expressed support and approved the formation of the committee.

V. Announcements

Mr. Ellis announced that the next annual meeting would be held on July 14, 2051, at the same location.

VI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM by Mr. Ellis. The next regular meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2050.

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