Performance Appraisal Meeting Minutes

Performance Appraisal Meeting Minutes










  1. Review of Previous Goals

  2. Discussion of Current Performance

  3. Identification of Strengths and Areas for Improvement

  4. Setting Future Goals

  5. Action Plan for Employee Development

1. Review of Previous Goals:

Previous Goals

Progress Made

Improve customer satisfaction ratings by 10%.

Customer satisfaction ratings increased by 8%.

Complete advanced Excel training course.

Completed 80% of the Excel training course.

2. Discussion of Current Performance:

Performance Highlights

Performance Challenges

Consistently meets deadlines.

Difficulty prioritizing tasks during peak periods.

Receives positive feedback from clients.


3. Identification of Strengths and Areas for Improvement:


Areas for Improvement

Strong communication skills.

Time management during busy periods.

Excellent attention to detail.

Proactive problem-solving in challenging situations.

4. Setting Future Goals:

Goals for Development

Timeline for Achievement

Increase customer satisfaction ratings by an additional 5%.

Achieve increased customer satisfaction within 3 months.

Attend time management workshops to improve efficiency.

Complete time management workshop within 2 months.

5. Action Plan for Employee Development:

Training and Development Opportunities

Mentorship or Coaching

Regular Check-ins

Enroll [EMPLOYEE'S NAME] in a time management workshop by the end of April.

Schedule bi-weekly check-ins with [MANAGER'S NAME] to discuss progress and provide guidance.

Follow up with [EMPLOYEE'S NAME] in one month to assess progress toward goals.

Next Steps:

  • [EMPLOYEE'S NAME] will receive a copy of these meeting minutes for his reference.

  • HR will arrange for [EMPLOYEE'S NAME]'s enrollment in the time management workshop.

  • The next performance appraisal meeting is scheduled for [NEXT MEETING DATE].

Meeting Adjourned: [END TIME]

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

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