Quality Control Meeting Minutes

Quality Control Meeting Minutes

Company: FutureTech Industries
Date: April 17, 2050
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: Conference Room B


  • Alice Murray (Quality Manager)

  • Rajiv Chowdhury (Operations Manager)

  • Emily Tran (Quality Analyst)

  • Omar Jenkins (Production Supervisor)



Minutes Prepared by: [your name]


  1. Review of last meeting's action items

  2. Discussion on recent production issues

  3. Updates on ongoing quality checks

  4. New initiatives for quality improvement

  5. Any other business

  6. Set next meeting date

I. Review of Last Meeting's Action Items

Alice Murray reviewed the status of actions from the previous meeting. Progress has been satisfactory with two items completed and one pending due to supplier delays.

Action Item

Responsible Person

Due Date


Upgrade inspection equipment

Omar Jenkins

May 10, 2050

In Progress

Implement new QA training sessions

Rajiv Chowdhury

April 30, 2050


Review supplier quality standards

Alice Murray

Pending supplier response


II. Discussion on Recent Production Issues

  • Omar Jenkins reported a 5% defect rate in the latest batch of electronic components, highlighting issues mainly with circuit boards.

  • Emily Tran suggested a possible root cause related to temperature fluctuations in the soldering process.

III. Updates on Ongoing Quality Checks

  • Emily Tran presented the latest QA report:

Quality Check



Final product testing

95% pass

Below target of 98%

In-line assembly check

99% pass

Improved from last month

  • Discussion followed on measures to improve the final product testing pass rate.

IV. New Initiatives for Quality Improvement

  • Alice Murray proposed a new initiative to integrate AI in quality control processes to predict and mitigate defects more effectively.

  • The team agreed to start a pilot project in Q3 2050.

V. Any Other Business

Rajiv Chowdhury raised concerns about upcoming regulatory changes impacting quality standards. The team decided to schedule a special session to align with the new regulations.

VI. Set Next Meeting Date

Next meeting scheduled for May 15, 2050, at 10:00 AM in Conference Room B.

Actions to Follow:

  • Omar Jenkins to investigate and report back on the soldering process temperature issue.

  • All to prepare for the special session on regulatory changes.

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