Faculty Meeting Minutes

Faculty Meeting Minutes

Institution: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

Date: April 25, 2050

Time: 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Location: Conference Room B, Science Building


  • Dr. Alice Murray (Chair)

  • Dr. Brian Reynolds

  • Dr. Carla Diaz

  • Dr. David Lynch

  • Dr. Emily Stanton


Dr. Fiona Cheng (On sabbatical leave)

Minutes Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Meeting Objective: Review and discuss proposed updates to the academic integrity policy.

I. Call to Order

Dr. Alice Murray called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM and confirmed the presence of a quorum.

II. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

III. Review of Previous Minutes

Minutes from the March 2050 meeting were approved without amendments.

IV. Policy Updates Discussion


Discussion Summary


Academic Integrity

Dr. Brian Reynolds presented a proposal for updating the academic integrity policy, emphasizing the need for clearer guidelines on plagiarism and collusion among students. The proposal includes the use of plagiarism detection software and penalties for repeat offenders.

The committee agreed to a pilot test of the new plagiarism detection software in the fall semester of 2050. Dr. Reynolds to oversee the implementation.

Remote Examination

Dr. Carla Diaz discussed the challenges with the current policy on remote examinations, including security concerns and student feedback on system usability.

Form a subcommittee to evaluate current technologies and recommend improvements. Dr. Diaz to chair the subcommittee.

Faculty Conduct

Dr. David Lynch raised concerns about the lack of explicit guidelines on faculty-student interactions in virtual environments. Proposed drafting a new section on virtual conduct policies.

Dr. Lynch to draft a proposal for the new guidelines to be reviewed at the next meeting.

V. Open Floor

Dr. Emily Stanton suggested conducting a faculty workshop on ethical academic practices, which was well-received. Planning for the workshop was tasked to her, with support from Dr. Carla Diaz.

VI. Next Meeting

Scheduled for May 30, 2050, at 3:00 PM in the same location.

VII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM by Dr. Alice Murray.


These minutes were approved by the chair of the meeting, Dr. Alice Murray, and are hereby entered into the record.

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