Formal Church Meeting Minutes

Formal Church
Meeting Minutes

I. Opening

The formal meeting of [Name of Church] was called to order at [Time] on [Date] by [President/Pastor's Name].


  • [Name]

  • [Name]

  • [Name]

  • [Name]

II. Approval of Agenda

The agenda for the meeting was distributed and approved as presented.

III. Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on [Date] were reviewed and approved.

IV. Announcements

  • [Name] announced the upcoming Easter service schedule and encouraged members to invite friends and family.

  • [Name] reminded members about the food drive for the local homeless shelter.

V. Old Business

  • [Name] provided an update on the church renovations and thanked volunteers for their hard work.

VI. New Business

  • [Name] proposed organizing a community outreach event to support families in need.

  • [Name] suggested creating a music scholarship for talented youth in the congregation.

VII. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report

  • [Name] presented the financial report, highlighting increased donations and upcoming expenses for maintenance.

B. Committee Reports

  • [Name] reported on the successful Christmas choir concert and upcoming rehearsals.

VIII. Motions

  • [Name] motioned to allocate $500 from the church fund for the community outreach event. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

IX. Action Items


Assigned To


Coordinate with volunteers for the community outreach event.

[Person Responsible]


Finalize details for the music scholarship program.

[Person Responsible]


X. Adjournment and Announcements

  • The meeting adjourned at [Time]. Next meeting will be held on [Date] at [Time].

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: [Date of Submission]

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