Educational Department Meeting Minutes

Educational Department Meeting Minutes

Educational Institution:



April 16, 2050


10:00 AM


Conference Room A


  • Mr. Landon Miller (Chairperson)

  • Mr. Damien Peterson (Department Head)

  • Ms. Eli Taylor

  • Mr. Nathan Meyer

  • Ms. Khloe Barnes

  • Mr. Cole Rogers

Meeting Minutes:

1. Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by Mr. Landon Miller, the chair of the Educational Department.

2. Roll Call:

All members were present except for Ms. Khloe Barnes, who joined the meeting 15 minutes late.

3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

The minutes from the previous meeting held on April 2, 2050, were reviewed and approved as presented.

4. Agenda Review:

The agenda for the current meeting was reviewed and approved with no modifications.

5. Reports:

  • Chairperson's Report: Mr. Landon Miller reported on the upcoming faculty meeting and reminded everyone to submit their reports by the deadline.

  • Department Head's Report: Mr. Damien Peterson provided an update on the budget allocation for the next academic year and highlighted the need for additional funds for the science department.

  • Committee Reports: No committee reports were presented.

6. Old Business:

The discussion on revising the course curriculum was continued from the previous meeting. Mr. Damien Peterson will gather feedback from faculty members and present a revised proposal at the next meeting.

7. New Business:

The need for additional computer equipment in the computer lab was discussed. Ms. Eli Taylor volunteered to research options and provide a cost estimate at the next meeting.

8. Decisions:

It was decided to schedule a departmental retreat in June to discuss long-term goals and strategies.

9. Next Steps:

  • Mr. Damien Peterson will circulate a survey to faculty members regarding the course curriculum revisions.

  • Ms. Eli Taylor will research computer equipment and present her findings at the next meeting.

10. Announcements:

The annual departmental picnic is scheduled for May 10th. RSVPs are due by April 30th.

11. Adjournment:

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME], Secretary

Approved By: Mr. Landon Miller, Chairperson

Next Meeting Date: May 7, 2050

Next Meeting Agenda Items:

  1. Review of revised course curriculum proposal

  2. Presentation of computer equipment research

Attachments: None

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