Church Trustee Meeting Minutes

Church Trustee Meeting Minutes

I. Opening

The formal meeting of the [Name of Church] Board of Trustees was called to order at [Time] on [Date] by [Chairperson's Name].


  • [Name] - Trustee

  • [Name] - Trustee

  • [Name] - Trustee


  • [Name] - Trustee

II. Approval of Agenda

The agenda for the trustee meeting was distributed and approved as presented.

III. Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes from the previous trustee meeting held on [Date] were reviewed and approved.

IV. Financial Matters

A. Budget Review

  • [Name] presented the financial summary, showing a surplus in donations and discussed plans for allocating funds for maintenance and outreach programs.

B. Fundraising Activities

  • [Name] provided updates on the upcoming bake sale fundraiser and discussed strategies for maximizing participation.

V. Property and Facilities

  • [Name] reported on the progress of repairs to the church roof and discussed proposals for landscaping improvements.

VI. Membership Matters

  • Trustees discussed membership growth initiatives and ways to integrate new members into church activities.

VII. Old Business

  • Trustees reviewed the progress of ongoing projects and discussed any outstanding issues.

VIII. New Business

  • [Name] introduced the idea of starting a youth mentorship program and requested input from other trustees.

IX. Reports

A. Pastor's Report

  • [Name] provided insights into current challenges facing the congregation and highlighted opportunities for community engagement.

B. Committee Reports

  • Various committee heads provided updates on their respective areas of responsibility.

X. Action Items


Person Responsible


Form a committee to develop the youth mentorship program


[Due Date]

Obtain quotes for landscaping services


[Due Date]

Create a promotional plan for the upcoming bake sale fundraiser


[Due Date]

XI. Adjournment and Announcements

The trustee meeting adjourned at [Time]. Next trustee meeting will be held on [Date] at [Time], venue to be announced.

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