Small Business Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Small Business Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: [April 15, 2050]

Time: [10:00 AM]

Location: [Skyline Conference Room, XYZ Building]


  1. [John Smith] - [CEO, Smith Enterprises]

  2. [Emily Davis] - [CFO, Davis Corporation]

  3. [Michael Johnson] - [Marketing Director, Johnson & Co.]

  4. [Sarah Lee] - [Legal Counsel, Lee Law Firm]

  5. [Alex Rodriguez] - [Operations Manager, Rodriguez Solutions]


  1. [David Brown] - [Vice President, Brown Industries]

  2. [Jennifer White] - [HR Manager, White Group]

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome and Introductions

  • [John Smith] called the meeting to order.

  • Attendees introduced themselves, stating their name and position within their respective organizations.

2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • The minutes from the previous meeting held on [March 15, 2050] were reviewed.

  • Corrections and amendments, if any, were noted.

3. Updates on Small Business Advisory Initiatives

  • [Emily Davis] provided an update on the progress of the "Entrepreneurial Mentorship Program".

  • Discussion ensued regarding the challenges faced and strategies employed.

  • Action items were identified for further progress.

4. Presentation: Financial Performance Q1 2050

  • [Michael Johnson] delivered a presentation on the financial performance for the first quarter of 2050.

  • Key points discussed include revenue growth of 15% and a decrease in expenses by 8% compared to the same period last year.

  • Questions and clarifications were addressed.

5. Financial Report


Amount ($)




Increased by 15%



Decreased by 8%



Net profit of $200,000

6. Discussion: Marketing Strategies for New Product Launch

  • [Alex Rodriguez] led a discussion on marketing strategies for the upcoming launch of a new product line.

  • Various perspectives were shared regarding target demographics and promotional channels.

  • Consensus was reached on certain action steps.

7. Any Other Business

  • Discussion on potential collaboration with [Local Chamber of Commerce].

  • Proposal to organize a networking event for [Small Business Owners] in the community.

8. Next Meeting

  • The date, time, and location of the next meeting were agreed upon.

  • Action items and responsibilities were assigned for the interim period.


  • The meeting was adjourned at [11:30 AM] by [John Smith].

Action Items:

  • Follow up on mentorship program applications - [Emily Davis]

  • Coordinate with marketing team for product launch campaign - [Michael Johnson]

  • Reach out to [Local Chamber of Commerce] for partnership discussion - [Sarah Lee]

  • Draft proposal for networking event - [Alex Rodriguez]

Next Meeting Details:

  • Date: [May 15, 2050]

  • Time: [10:00 AM]

  • Location: [Boardroom, XYZ Building]

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