Oregon Codicil to Will

Oregon Codicil to Will

I. Introduction

This is a Codicil directed to the testament of [Your Name] and is established on the date of [Date], in full adherence to and in compliance with the governing laws and regulations of the State of Oregon.

II. Background

[Your Name], of [Your Company Address], being of sound mind, desires to make certain changes and additions to their existing testament dated [Date of Original Will], which was prepared by [Your Legal Firm Name], located at [Firm Address].

III. Amendment Details

This Codicil hereby amends and supplements the aforementioned testament in the following manner:

A. Revocation Clause

[Your Name] hereby revokes the following clause(s) in their existing testament:

  • Clause [Insert Clause Number] regarding [Brief Description of the Clause to be Revoked].

B. Addition of Beneficiary

[Your Name] hereby adds the following individual(s) as beneficiary(ies) to their existing testament:

  1. [New Beneficiary's Full Name]:

    • Relationship: [Relationship to Testator]

    • Address: [Beneficiary's Address]

C. Removal of Executor

[Your Name] hereby removes [Current Executor's Full Name] as the executor of their estate and appoints [New Executor's Full Name] as the new executor.

D. Specific Bequests

[Your Name] hereby makes the following specific bequests:

  1. [Description of Bequest 1]:

    • Recipient: [Recipient's Full Name]

    • Relationship: [Relationship to Testator]

    • Address: [Recipient's Address]

  2. [Description of Bequest 2]:

    • Recipient: [Recipient's Full Name]

    • Relationship: [Relationship to Testator]

    • Address: [Recipient's Address]

IV. General Provisions

Except for the specific modifications explicitly made in this Codicil, all the other provisions, guidelines, and terms laid out in the original testament are to be considered unchanged. They will continue to remain in their full force and effect, just as they were established initially in the original testament.

V. Execution

In witness whereof, [Your Name] has executed this Codicil to Will on the date first above written.

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]


[Witness 1 Name]

[Witness 1 Address]

[Witness 2 Name]

[Witness 2 Address]


I, [Your Name], hereby acknowledge that I signed this Codicil to Will as my free and voluntary act for the purposes stated herein.

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

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