South Dakota Codicil to Will

South Dakota Codicil to Will

I. Introduction

This Codicil to the testament of [Your Name], dated [Date of Original Will], hereby amends and supplements the said Will following the laws of the State of South Dakota.

II. Personal Information

  1. Testator's Information:

    • Full Name: [Your Name]

    • Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]

    • Address: [Your Company Address]

  2. Executor:

    • Name: [Executor's Name]

    • Address: [Executor's Address]

    • Relationship to Testator: [Executor's Relationship to Testator]

III. Amendments to Original Will

The following amendments are made to the Original Will dated [Date of Original Will]:

  1. Revocation Clause:

    • Any provisions in the Original Will that conflict with this Codicil are hereby revoked and replaced by the terms herein.

  2. Amendments to Specific Clauses:

    • [Specify the clauses to be amended in the Original Will and provide the amendments.]

IV. Additional Provisions


The undersigned witnesses affirm that they witnessed the execution of this Codicil and that the Testator signed it willingly and freely in their presence.

  • Witness 1:

  • [Witness 1 Name]

  • [Witness 1 Address]

  • Witness 2:

  • [Witness 2 Name]

  • [Witness 2 Address]

Governing Law:

  • This Codicil, in terms of its governance and interpretation, will be strictly under the jurisdiction and by the established laws of the State of South Dakota.


  • This Codicil, following its outlined provisions and conditions, shall officially take effect and be recognized as valid from the specific date on which it was fully executed and signed into agreement.

V. Execution

In witness whereof, the Testator has executed this Codicil on [Date of Execution].

[Your Name]

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