Alaska Codicil to Will



This Codicil to Will is made on January 1st, 2050 by [Your Name] (hereafter referred to as the "Testator") who resides at [Your Address]. This Codicil amends and reconfirms my previously executed Will dated [Original Will Date].


I. Declaration

I, [Your Name], a resident of [Your City], Alaska, declare that this is a codicil to my last will and testament which is dated [Original Will Date]. I make this codicil of my own free will, being of sound mind and without undue influence.

II. Confirmation of Original Will

I hereby confirm and republish my Will dated [Original Will Date], except as expressly modified by this Codicil. I affirm that my original Will remains valid and enforceable except for the changes made herein.

III. Changes and Additions

The following changes and additions shall be made to my existing Will:

A. Updating Beneficiaries

  1. Modification of Beneficiary for Property: I hereby add/remove/replace the beneficiary for my property located at [Property Address]. The new beneficiary is [New Beneficiary's Name].

  2. Additional Beneficiary: In consideration of [Reason for Change, e.g., birth, death, marriage], I add [New Beneficiary's Name] as a beneficiary to my estate.

B. Changes in Asset Distribution

  1. New Asset: In the event of acquisition of the new asset [New Asset Description], I direct the following distribution: [Distribution Details].

  2. Sale of Property: Should I sell my property at [Property Address], the proceeds shall be distributed as follows: [Distribution of Proceeds Details].

C. Appointment of Executors or Guardians

  1. Appointment of New Executor: I hereby appoint [New Executor's Name] as the Executor of my will, replacing [Former Executor’s Name]. They shall be responsible for administering my estate according to the terms of this Will.

  2. Guardianship for Minor Children: In the event of my passing while having minor children, I appoint [Guardian's Name] as their legal guardian in place of [Former Guardian’s Name]. They shall have the responsibility for the care and upbringing of my minor children.

D. Clarifications or Corrections

To clarify [Specific Section or Item] in my last will, [Clarified Details or Correction]. This clarification is intended to remove any ambiguity and ensure that my intentions are accurately reflected in my Will.

E. Adding Additional Instructions

  1. Funeral Arrangements: I specify the following special instructions for my funeral arrangements: [Funeral Arrangements Details]. These instructions should be followed to ensure that my funeral is conducted according to my wishes.

  2. Charitable Donations: For charitable donations, I designate [Charity Name] to receive [Specific Amount or Percentage] of my estate. This donation is intended to support the charitable causes that are important to me.

IV. Reaffirmation

This Codicil shall be interpreted together with my Will as a single instrument. I affirm that the rest of my Will remains effective and only the amendments stipulated herein shall be adopted.

V. Signatures

Signed on [Date of Signing], at [Location of Signing], in the presence of the following witnesses, who witnessed and subscribed this Codicil at my request, and in my presence.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

Witness 1

Name: [Witness Name 1]

Address: [Witness Address 1]

Witness 2

Name: [Witness Name 2]

Address: [Witness Address 2]

VI. Notarization

This document was acknowledged before me on [Date] by [Your Name] who is personally known to me or has produced identification as proof of identity.

Notary Public Name: [Notary's Name]

Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]


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