Free Personal Will Template



Free Personal Will Template

Personal Will

I. Introduction

This Personal Will is made on [DATE], by [YOUR NAME], currently residing at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], referred to as the "Testator."

II. Executor

I appoint [EXECUTOR'S NAME] (the "Executor"), residing at [EXECUTOR'S ADDRESS], as the Executor of this Will. If the Executor is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint [ALTERNATE EXECUTOR'S NAME], residing at [ALTERNATE EXECUOT'S ADDRESS], as the Alternate Executor.

III. Charitable Donations

I direct my Executor to distribute the following charitable gifts or donations from my estate:

  • The Local Animal Shelter: A sum of $10,000 to support their ongoing work.

  • XYZ Foundation: My collection of rare books to be donated for their charitable auctions.

IV. Specific Bequests

I make the following specific bequests:




My Vintage Car


To be transferred to him upon my passing.

Family heirloom

[BENEFECIARY 2'S NAME] (daughter)

To be given to her as a token of my love.

V. Residuary Estate

I give, devise, and bequeath the residue of my estate, including all real and personal property, to [RESIDUARY BENEFECIARY'S NAME], residing at [RESIDUARY BENEFECIARY'S ADDRESS].

VI. Guardianship (if applicable)

If I pass away while I still have children who are legally considered minors, my explicit desire and decision is to appoint the individual known as [GUARDIAN'S NAME]. This individual, currently living at the residence known as [GUARDIAN'S ADDRESS], is the person I wish to act as the Guardian for my minor children.

VII. Miscellaneous

  • If any beneficiary under this Will fails to survive me, the gift to that beneficiary shall lapse.

  • I hereby declare that all previously made Wills and codicils by me are now null and void, and I formally revoke them.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on the date first above written.



VIII. Witnesses

We, the undersigned, do hereby declare that [YOUR NAME] signed and declared this document to be her last will in our presence, at her request, and in the presence of each other, and we, at her request and in her presence, and the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses on the date above written.

Witness 1:



Witness 2:



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