Arkansas Codicil to Will



This Arkansas Codicil to the Last Will and Testament is made by [Your Name], presently residing at [Your Address], born on [Your Date of Birth], hereinafter referred to as the Testator/Testatrix. This Codicil amends or supplements my Last Will and Testament dated [Date of Original Will].


I. Declaration

In this Arkansas Codicil, I, [Your Name], declare that my family circumstances or financial status have changed significantly since the execution of the Will referenced above. I find it necessary to make certain modifications while confirming that my original Will remains in full force and effect except for the amendments specified here.

II. Changes to Beneficiaries

  • A. Addition of Beneficiaries:

    To add [New Beneficiary Name] residing at [New Beneficiary Address], as a beneficiary to receive [Specific Asset or Percentage of Estate] of my estate.

  • B. Removal of Beneficiaries:

    I hereby remove [Name of Beneficiary to be removed] as a beneficiary in my Will.

  • C. Modification of Beneficiary Shares:

    The share of [Existing Beneficiary Name] shall hereafter be [New Percentage or Specific Assets].

III. Changes to Asset Distribution

Regarding the division of my possessions not explicitly handled in the original Will, I hereby direct the following changes:

  • I bequeath my property located at [New Property Address], acquired post-execution of the original Will, to [Beneficiary Name].

  • The proceeds from the sale of [Asset Description] shall be divided as follows: [New Distribution Instructions].

IV. Appointment of Executors or Guardians

I hereby appoint [New Executor Name] residing at [Address of New Executor] as the Executor of my estate, replacing [Previous Executor Name]. For the guardianship of my minor children, I appoint [New Guardian Name] residing at [Address of New Guardian], replacing [Previous Guardian Name].

V. Clarifications or Corrections

To remove any ambiguity concerning [Specify Item or Clause in Original Will], I intend to clarify as follows: [Clarification Details].

VI. Additional Instructions

I also wish to add new instructions regarding:

  • Funeral arrangements: [Specify Funeral Arrangements]

  • Charitable donations to: [Charity Name and Details]

  • Care provisions for my pets: [Pet Care Details]

VII. General Provisions

Except as specifically modified or amended herein, I hereby affirm, ratify, and reconfirm my original Will in its entirety.

VIII. In Witness Whereof

I, [Your Name], have signed this Codicil on this day, [Date], in the presence of the following witnesses, declaring it to be an amendment to my Last Will and Testament.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

Witness 1

Name: [Witness Name 1]

Address: [Witness Address 1]

Witness 2

Name: [Witness Name 2]

Address: [Witness Address 2]

IX. Notarization

State of Arkansas
County of [County Name]

On this 1st day of January 2050, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.

Notary Public

[Printed Name of Notary Public]
[Commission Number of Notary Public]

My Commission Expires: [Expiry Date of Notary Public's Commission] _____________________________________________________________________________________

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