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Colorado Codicil to Will



This Colorado Codicil amends, modifies, or supplements my Last Will and Testament executed on [Date of Original Will], by [Your Full Name], residing at [Your Full Address]. This Codicil is made this [Date Codicil is Signed], to reflect the changes as outlined below:


I. Declaration

I, [Your Full Name], declare that this is the Codicil to my Last Will and Testament, which is currently in effect, and that this Codicil is fully integrated and legally binding. I am of sound mental health and capable of making this document without force or duress.

II. Reaffirmation of Original Will

I hereby reaffirm all other terms and provisions of my original Will dated [Date of Original Will], except as specifically modified by this Codicil.

III. Updates to Beneficiaries

  • Add Beneficiary: I hereby add [New Beneficiary's Name], of [New Beneficiary's Address], as a beneficiary to receive [Specific Gift or Percentage of Estate].

  • Remove Beneficiary: I hereby remove [Former Beneficiary's Name] as a beneficiary from my Will, and all benefits accorded are revoked.

  • Update Beneficiary: The share of [Existing Beneficiary's Name] shall be adjusted from [Old Percentage or Specific Gift] to [New Percentage or Specific Gift].

IV. Changes in Assets

With the acquisition of new assets or disposition of existing ones, I make the following changes:

  • [Description of Asset] acquired on [Date Acquired] shall be distributed to [Beneficiary Name].

  • [Description of Asset] sold or disposed of on [Date Sold] will no longer be part of the estate.

V. Appointment of Executors or Guardians

I hereby appoint [New Executor's Name] of [New Executor's Address] as the Executor of this will, replacing [Former Executor's Name].

In the event of the need for a guardian for my minor children, I appoint [Guardian's Name] of [Guardian's Address].

VI. Changes in Distribution

Any specific changes to the distribution of my assets not already addressed above are as follows:

[Specific Change in Distribution]

VII. Clarifications or Corrections

The following corrections or clarifications are to be made to eliminate any ambiguities or possible legal discrepancies in my Will:

[Description of Clarification or Correction]

VIII. Attestation

I, [Your Full Name], declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct, executed on [Execution Date] at [Place of Execution].


[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

Witness 1

[Witness Name 1]

[Date Signed]

Witness 2

[Witness Name 2]

[Date Signed]

IX. Notarization

State of Colorado

County of [County Name]

On this 1st day of January 2050, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.

Notary Public

[Printed Name of Notary Public]
[Commission Number of Notary Public]

My Commission Expires: [Expiry Date of Notary Public's Commission]


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