New Hampshire Codicil to Will

New Hampshire Codicil to Will

This New Hampshire Codicil to Will is created to make specific modifications and additions to the original will, reflecting changes in circumstances or preferences since the execution of the initial document.

I. Introduction

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], declare that this document serves as a codicil that amends my previous testament executed on [Date of Original Will].

II. Declaration of Intent

I, [Your Name], hereby declare this codicil to be a valid and binding amendment to my aforementioned testament. I intend that the provisions contained herein shall supplement and modify the original will accordingly, ensuring that my final wishes are accurately reflected and legally enforceable.

III. Amendments

3.1. Executor Appointment

In light of recent developments, I hereby appoint [New Executor's Full Name] as an additional executor of my will, alongside the previously appointed executor(s) named in the original will. This appointment is made with full confidence in the individual's ability to fulfill the duties of executorship effectively.

3.2. Distribution of Assets

Upon reconsideration of my financial circumstances, I revise the distribution of my financial assets as follows: [Specify changes in beneficiaries or asset distribution]. These adjustments are made to ensure that my assets are distributed by my current wishes and to reflect any changes in relationships or priorities.

3.3. Guardian Appointment

Recognizing the importance of providing for the care and welfare of my minor children, I appoint [New Guardian's Full Name] as a co-guardian alongside the previously appointed guardian(s) named in the original will. This decision is made after careful consideration of the individual's suitability and willingness to undertake the responsibilities of guardianship.

IV. Confirmation

I confirm all other provisions of my original Testament not modified by this codicil remain in full force and effect. I intend that this codicil shall be read and interpreted in conjunction with the original will, with any inconsistencies resolved by my overall testamentary intentions.

V. Execution

I sign this codicil on the [Date] at [Place of Execution], in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, who sign their names hereto at my request. By signing below, I affirm the validity of this codicil and acknowledge its legal significance in modifying my testament.


Name: [Your Name]

Address: [Your Company Address]

Witness 1

Name: [Witness 1 Name]

Address: [Witness 1 Address]

Witness 2

Name: [Witness 2 Name]

Address: [Witness 2 Address]

VI. Governing Law

This codicil shall be governed by and construed by the laws of the State of New Hampshire. Any disputes arising from this codicil shall be resolved by the laws of the jurisdiction.

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