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Catholic Living Will

Catholic Living Will

1. Introduction

I, [YOUR NAME], being of sound mind and understanding the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding medical treatment and end-of-life care, hereby declare this Catholic Living Will to guide my healthcare decisions by my faith.

2. Statement of Faith and Beliefs

  • I wish to state with conviction, my deep-rooted belief in the concept of human life being sacred, right from the moment of conception until the eventual natural death, a principle that finds its basis in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

  • I hold a firm belief in the inherent dignity embodied in each individual, as I perceive each person as being made in the manifestation of the image and the likeness of God.

3. End-of-Life Preferences

  • It is my explicit and fervently stated instruction that, about the preservation and extension of my life, every measure should be taken according to the moral principles ascribed to by the Catholic faith so that the duration of my life is maximized as much as feasibly possible.

  • I request that all efforts be made to alleviate pain and suffering while respecting the natural process of dying.

4. Medical Treatment Preferences

  • I am making a formal request that all treatments, that are deemed reasonable, should be administered to me with the main intention of relieving my suffering and ensuring my comfort.

  • I specify that life-sustaining treatments should not be used if they are burdensome, excessively painful, or impose undue hardship without proportionate benefit.

5. Specific Directives

  • I do not consent to euthanasia, assisted suicide, or any form of intentionally hastening my death.

  • I request to receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, including Confession, Anointing of the Sick, and Viaticum (Holy Communion) as part of my end-of-life care.

6. Proxy Decision-Maker

  • I appoint [PROXY'S NAME] as my healthcare proxy to make medical decisions on my behalf if I am unable to do so myself.

  • I desire that my proxy consults with a Catholic priest or spiritual advisor when making decisions.

7. Organ Donation

I hereby give my consent, in will to the act of donating my organs after my death. However, I set forth the condition that the entire process must be conducted in a way that is congruent with the principles of Catholic moral teachings.

8. Funeral and Burial Instructions

  • It is my sincere request that my funeral ceremony be undertaken as a Catholic Mass and the following burial rites are to be executed in strict accordance with the established norms, traditions, and guidelines of the Catholic Church.

  • It is my sincere wish that, upon the inevitable termination of my earthly journey, my mortal remains should be laid to rest in a land that has been duly sanctified and consecrated according to sacred practices.

9. Additional Statements

  • Any decisions made regarding my healthcare should be guided by the ethical and moral teachings of the Catholic Church.

  • Using this Catholic Living Will, I hereby give explicit authorization to my appointed proxy to take action and make decisions on my behalf.

10. Signature and Witness

I hereby affirm that this Catholic Living Will accurately reflects my wishes and beliefs.



11. Witnesses

Following legal requirements, the undersigned witnesses affirm that the declarant is of sound mind and voluntarily made this Living Will.

Witness 1:



Witness 2:



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