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Legal Living Will

Legal Living Will


I. Declaration of Intent

I, [Your Name], being of sound mind and understanding the importance of making my healthcare wishes known, declare this document as my Advance Directive or Living Will. I make these decisions willingly and without any undue influence.

II. Healthcare Agent Appointment

If I am unable to make healthcare decisions for myself, I hereby appoint [Name of Healthcare Agent] as my healthcare agent to make medical decisions on my behalf. This appointment shall only become effective when my attending physician determines that I am unable to make such decisions for myself.

III. End-of-Life Care Preferences

I direct that if I am in an incurable or irreversible medical condition that will result in my death imminently, with no hope of recovery, and I am unable to communicate my wishes, I request the following end-of-life care:

  • I do/do not (choose one) wish to receive life-prolonging treatments such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), mechanical ventilation, or artificial nutrition and hydration.

  • I request that all reasonable efforts be made to keep me comfortable and free from pain, even if this may hasten my death.

IV. Palliative Care Preferences

If I am suffering from a serious illness but am not in a terminal condition, I request that my healthcare providers prioritize palliative care and symptom management to ensure my comfort and quality of life.

V. Organ and Tissue Donation

I hereby authorize the donation of any of my organs, tissues, or parts thereof for transplantation, medical research, or education purposes, by applicable laws and regulations.

VI. Instructions for Healthcare Providers

It is my wish that my healthcare providers and healthcare agents respect and adhere to the directives outlined in this Living Will. I request that all medical decisions made on my behalf be by my stated preferences and values.

VII. Revocation of Prior Directives

I hereby revoke any prior Advance Directives or Living Wills that I may have made, and I declare that this document supersedes all previous directives.

V.IIISignatures and Witnesses

I have signed this Living Will on April 17, 2050. I declare that I am over the age of 18 and of sound mind. This document has been witnessed by the following individuals, who attest to my signature in their presence:

[Your Name]


Witness 1

[Witness Name 1]

[Witness Address 1]

Witness 2

[Witness Name 2]

[Witness Address 2]

IX. Notary

State of [State], County of [County]

On this April 17, 2050, before me, [Notary Public Name], personally appeared [Your Name], known to me (or proved to me based on satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal:

[Notary Public Name]

[Notary Public's Commission Number]


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