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General Will

General Will

I, [YOUR NAME], of [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], being of sound mind and memory, do hereby declare this as my General Will.

1. Executor

I appoint [EXECUTOR'S NAME], residing at [EXECUTOR'S ADDRESS], as the Executor of this Will. The Executor shall have full authority to administer my estate according to the terms herein.

2. Debts and Expenses

After my death, I hereby give instructions to my Executor to ensure the payment of all my legitimate debts, the charges incurred for my funeral services, as well as all costs associated with the administration and management of my estate. These payments should be executed as soon as feasible and practically possible.

3. Distribution of Personal Assets

How I have chosen to distribute and dispose of my wealth, estate, and other properties is detailed as follows:

a. Specific Bequests:

  • I give my antique watch, currently kept in my bedroom, to my nephew, [BENEFECIARY'S NAME] (nephew).

  • I give the sum of USD 10,000 from my savings account with [BANK NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER] to my niece, [BENEFECIARY'S NAME] (niece).

  • In the above examples:

Item: Antique watch

Location: Bedroom

Beneficiary: [BENEFECIARY'S NAME] (nephew)

Amount: USD 10,000

Source: Savings account with [BANK NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER]

Beneficiary: [BENEFECIARY'S NAME] (niece)

b. Residue of Estate: - All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, of whatever kind and wherever situated, I give, devise, and bequeath to [BENEFECIARY'S NAME] in equal shares.

4. Alternate Beneficiaries

If any individual named as one of my primary beneficiaries should pass away before me, or if they do not live for thirty (30) days after my death, it is my explicit direction that the deceased's previously destined share of my estate be divided equally among the primary beneficiaries who have managed to outlive me.

5. Guardian for Minor Children (if applicable)

Should it so happen that, at the time of my demise, I am survived by any minor children, it is then my wish and directive to appoint the individual known as [GUARDIAN'S NAME], who resides at the location of [GUARDIAN'S ADDRESS], to serve as Guardian for these aforementioned minor children. Their role shall include not simply the guardianship of the minors' persons but also the custodianship of their estates.

6. Revocation of Previous Wills

I, the undersigned, do hereby officially and formally declare the revocation and cancelation of all last will documents, including codicils, which have been previously executed by me.

7. Miscellaneous

I hereby give my Executor the permission and authority to implement and carry out all the stipulations, conditions, and provisions stated within this Will, without the need for judicial or court supervision or intervention. This authorization is however subject to conformity with any laws, rules, and regulations that are applicable and pertain to the execution and implementation of this Will.

8. Signatures

I sign this Will on [Date].


9. Witness

Signed by the above-named testator as his/her general will, in the presence of us present at the same time, who at his/her request in his/her presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

Witness 1:



Witness 2:



This Will is executed by [YOUR NAME] on [DATE].

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