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Holographic Will

Holographic Will

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], being of sound mind and disposing of memory, do hereby declare this to be my last will. I made this will without the aid of an attorney, and it is entirely handwritten by me.

I. Executor Appointment

I hereby appoint [Executor's Full Name] as the executor of my estate. The executor should be someone trustworthy and capable of managing my affairs after my passing.

II. Guardianship

If I am the parent or legal guardian of minor children, I appoint [Guardian's Name] as guardian of my children. Should [Guardian's Name] be unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint [Alternative Guardian's Name] as a substitute guardian.

III. Asset Distribution

3.1 Specific Bequests: I specify certain items to be given to specific individuals or organizations:

  • My vintage guitar to my friend, [Friend's Name]

  • My jewelry collection to my sister, [Sister's Name]

3.2 General Distribution of Residual Estate: The remainder of my estate will be distributed as follows:

  • 50% to my spouse, [Spouse's Full Name]

  • 25% to my daughter, [Daughter's Full Name]

  • 25% to my son, [Son's Full Name]

IV. Funeral Instructions

Funeral Preferences: It is my wish that my remains be cremated, and the ashes scattered in [Location], a place that holds special meaning to me.

V. Revocation of Previous Wills

I declare that this document revokes any prior wills or codicils made by me.

VI. Signatures

Signed by me on [Date], at [Location].

[Your Name]


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