Joint Will And Testament

Joint Will And Testament


I. Declaration

We, [Your Name], residing at [Address of Spouse], and [Name of Spouse], residing at [Address of Spouse], hereby declare this document as our Joint will. We make this Will jointly and agree to the following distribution of our combined assets upon our deaths.

II. Appointment of Executors

We appoint [Name of Executor] as the executor of this Joint Will. Should [Name of Executor] be unwilling or unable to act, we appoint [Name of Alternate Executor] as the alternate executor.

III. Distribution of Assets

  • Upon the death of either spouse:

    a. All assets, properties, and possessions shall pass to the surviving spouse, [Name of Surviving Spouse].

    b. The surviving spouse shall have full authority to manage, use, and distribute the assets as they see fit during their lifetime.

  • Upon the death of the surviving spouse:

    a. All remaining assets, properties, and possessions shall be distributed equally among our children: [Names of Children].

    b. If any of our children predeceases us, their share shall be distributed equally among the surviving children.

IV. Guardianship of Minor Children

Should both spouses die simultaneously or within a short time of each other, we appoint [Name of Guardian] as the guardian of our minor children, [Names of Minor Children].

V. Revocation of Prior Wills

We hereby revoke any prior wills and codicils made by us individually, and declare this Joint Will to be our final and binding testament.

VI. Witnesses

We sign this Joint Will in the presence of the following witnesses, who attest to our sound mind and voluntary execution of this document:

Witness 1:

[Witness Name 1]

[Date Signed]

Witness 2:

[Witness Name 2]

[Date Signed]

VII. Notary Public

We acknowledge that we executed this Joint Will in the presence of a Notary Public and declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

[Name of Notary Public]

[Date Signed]

VIII. Signatures

Signed this 17th day of April 2050.

[Your Name]

[Name of Spouse]


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