Law Firm Notice of Claim Letter

Law Firm Notice of Claim Letter


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Title/Position]

[Recipient Company/Organization]

[Recipient Address]

Subject: Notice of Claim

Dear [Recipient Name],

We are writing on behalf of [Your Company Name] to formally notify you of our client's intention to initiate claims arising from delays in project completion as stipulated under the agreement dated [Month, Day, Year], under contract [Number]. This delay has significantly impacted our client's operations and resulted in substantial financial losses.

Despite previous attempts to resolve this matter informally, it has become necessary to proceed with further legal actions to seek redress and enforcement of our client's rights under the terms of the agreement.

Please be advised that [Your Company Name] intends to pursue all applicable legal remedies and claims, including but not limited to breach of contract, damages for non-performance, and compensation for incidental and consequential losses. We believe that the facts clearly support our client's claims and anticipate a favorable outcome should this matter proceed to litigation.

To avoid further legal actions and associated costs, we invite you to engage in a dialogue with us at your earliest convenience to discuss a potential amicable resolution. Please contact us at [Your Company Email] no later than 14 days from the date of this letter, to confirm your intention to discuss this matter.

Should we not receive a response from you by the specified date, please be advised that [Your Company Name] will take all necessary steps to protect their interests, including but not limited to initiating formal legal proceedings without further notice.

We trust that you will treat this matter with the urgency and attention it requires.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name] Law Firm

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