PTA Meeting Minutes

PTA Meeting Minutes

Date: [May 15, 2050]
Time: [6:00 PM]
Location: [Your Company Address]


  • [Grayson Green]

  • [Penelope Armstrong]

  • [Mason Hopkins]

  • [Scarlett Martin]

  • [Logan Chandler]

  • [Your Name]

  • [Elijah Young]

  • [Hannah Roberts]

  • [Grace King]

  • [Lily Carter]

  • [Noah Dixon]

  • [Your Name]

I. Opening the Meeting

  • The Chairperson, [Grayson Green], called the meeting to order at [6:00 PM].

  • Attendees introduced themselves, stating their roles and affiliations.

II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • The minutes of the previous meeting held on [April 10, 2050] were reviewed.

    • Motion: [Logan Chandler] motioned to approve the minutes.

    • Seconded by: [Hannah Roberts]

    • Vote: Unanimously approved.

III. Meeting Agenda

The purpose of this meeting is to [discuss upcoming events and fundraising activities for [Your Company Name]].

Agenda Items:

  1. Spring Fundraiser Planning

    • Discussion: Reviewed fundraising ideas such as bake sales, car washes, and silent auctions.

    • Action Items:

      • [Grace King]

        • Assigned to: Organize bake sale event.

        • Deadline: [May 30, 2050].

      • [Lily Carter]

        • Assigned to: Coordinate car wash fundraiser.

        • Deadline: [June 15, 2050].

  2. Field Trip Approval

    • Discussion: Discussed the proposed field trip to the local science museum for 5th-grade students.

    • Action Items:

      • [Noah Dixon]

        • Assigned to: Obtain permission slips and waivers.

        • Deadline: [May 25, 2050].

      • [Scarlett Martin]

        • Assigned to: Coordinate transportation arrangements.

        • Deadline: [June 1, 2050].

IV. Reports

  • Chairperson's Report: [Grayson Green] provided updates on PTA membership drive.

  • Treasurer's Report: [Penelope Armstrong] presented financial updates, showing a balance of $5,000 in the PTA account.

  • Committee Reports:

    • [Fundraising Committee]: Discussed progress on upcoming events.

    • [Field Trip Committee]: Presented details of the proposed science museum trip.

V. Old Business

  • Reviewed progress on playground equipment fundraising.

    • [Logan Chandler]: Updated on donation pledges and fundraising efforts.

VI. New Business

  • Discussed ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week activities.

    • [Elijah Young]: Proposed a luncheon for teachers and staff.

    • Decision: Approved budget for the event.

VII. Announcements

  • [Hannah Roberts] announced the date for the next PTA general meeting on [June 20, 2050].

  • Reminded parents about the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences on [May 30, 2050].

VIII. Open Floor

Parents shared suggestions for future school events and fundraisers.

IX. Next Meeting Details

  • Date: [June 20, 2050]

  • Time: [6:00 PM]

  • Location: [Your Company Address]

  • Agenda:

    • Review of Summer Reading Program

    • Planning for Back-to-School Picnic

X. Action Items

  • [Organize Bake Sale Event:]

    • Assigned to: [Grace King]

    • Deadline: [May 30, 2050]

    • Description: Coordinate volunteers, bake goods, and set up for the event.

  • [Coordinate Car Wash Fundraiser:]

    • Assigned to: [Lily Carter]

    • Deadline: [June 15, 2050]

    • Description: Secure location, gather supplies, and promote the event.

  • [Obtain Permission Slips for Field Trip:]

    • Assigned to: [Noah Dixon]

    • Deadline: [May 25, 2050]

    • Description: Distribute, collect, and organize permission forms and waivers.

  • [Coordinate Transportation for Field Trip:]

    • Assigned to: [Scarlett Martin]

    • Deadline: [June 1, 2050]

    • Description: Arrange buses, drivers, and departure times for the trip.

XI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at [7:30 PM] by [Grayson Green].


  • Minutes recorded by: [Your Name]

  • Minutes approved by: [Logan Chandler]

  • Date of Approval: [May 20, 2050]

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