New York Codicil to Will

New York Codicil to Will

I. Declaration

This Codicil to Will is made on this day [Date], by [Your Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Testator"), who is currently residing at [Your Company Address]. I hereby declare that this document serves as a codicil to my last will, originally executed on [Date of Original Will], in the presence of my witnesses. I am executing this codicil to amend and supplement my last.

II. Affirmation of Previous Will

Except as expressly modified or amended by this Codicil, I hereby confirm and ratify all provisions, bequests, and appointments made in my original last will and any previous codicils thereto.

III. Changes and Amendments

The following changes and amendments to my last will are to be incorporated as part of my estate planning:

3.1. Beneficiaries Update

I hereby amend the beneficiary designations made in my original Will as follows:

[Original Beneficiary's Name] will now be replaced by [New Beneficiary's Name]. This change reflects my updated wishes regarding the distribution of my assets.

3.2. Executors

In this codicil, I express my desire to change the Executor of my estate. [Original Executor's Name] will no longer serve in this capacity, and I appoint [New Executor's Name] to take on the responsibilities outlined in my original Will. This decision is made after careful consideration and trust in the abilities of the newly appointed Executor.

3.3. Addition or Removal of Property

With this codicil, I am making adjustments to the assets included in my last will. I hereby [add/remove] the following asset: [Description of Asset]. This change reflects my intention to ensure that my estate plan accurately reflects my current assets and intentions for their distribution.

3.4. Other Amendments

Furthermore, I hereby specify additional amendments to my original Will. [Specify any other amendments or modifications]. These changes are made to ensure that my last will remain up-to-date and reflective of my wishes regarding the distribution of my estate.

IV. Affirmation of Witnesses

This Codicil was signed on the date first above written at [Location of Execution], in the presence of my undersigned witnesses, who witnessed and affirmed this Codicil at my request and in my presence.

V. Signatures


Name: [Your Name]

Address: [Your Company Address]

Witness 1

Name: [Witness 1 Name]

Address: [Witness 1 Address]

Witness 2

Name: [Witness 2 Name]

Address: [Witness 2 Address]

VI. Notarization

This document was acknowledged before me on [Date] by [Your Name], who is personally known to me or who has produced identification as proof of identity.

Notary Public: [Notary's Name]

My Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]

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