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Construction Design Coordination Meeting Minutes

Construction Design Coordination Meeting Minutes

I. Meeting Information

  • Date: [April 30, 2050]

  • Time: [10:00 AM - 11:30 AM]

  • Location: [Conference Room A, [Your Company Name] Headquarters]

II. Attendees

  • [Project Manager: Julian Wright]

  • [Architect: Emma Powell]

  • [Lead Engineer: Carter Brook]]

  • [Contractor Representative: Liam Adams]

  • [Client Representative: Aria Stewart]

  • [Others: Wyatt Taylor]

  • Project Coordinator: [Your Name]

III. Objective

Ensure alignment among architects, engineers, contractors, and project managers regarding the design aspects for Project XYZ of [Your Company Name]. This meeting will serve as a platform to document and track discussions, decisions, and action items.

IV. Agenda

  1. Opening Remarks:

    • Welcoming all attendees

    • Overview of meeting objectives

  2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:

    • Reviewed the minutes from the meeting on April 15, 2050.

    • Action items from the previous meeting have been completed.

  3. Design Clarifications:

    • Discussed potential conflicts in the structural design.

    • Decided to revise the foundation plan for clarity.

  4. Updates on Design Progress:

    • Presented updated floor plans for review.

    • Received feedback on material selections from stakeholders.

  5. Discussion Points:

    • Design Element 1:

      • Reviewed proposed changes to the building facade.

      • Decided to proceed with the new design approach.

    • Design Element 2:

      • Discussed HVAC system integration with the building layout.

      • Assigned Carter Brooks to lead the HVAC design team.

V. Decisions Made

  • [Decision 1: Approved the new design approach for the building facade.]

  • [Decision 2: Agreed to incorporate eco-friendly materials in construction.]

VI. Action Items

  • [Action Item 1: Revise structural design document] - Assigned To: [Hunter Scott] - Due Date: [May 15, 2050]

  • [Action Item 2: Finalize material selections] - Assigned To: [Emma Powell] - Due Date: [May 5, 2050]

  • [Action Item 3: Develop detailed HVAC plan] - Assigned To: [Carter Brooks] - Due Date: [May 20, 2050]

  • [Action Item 4: Send updated floor plans to contractors] - Assigned To: [Julian Wright] - Due Date: [May 1, 2050]

VII. Next Meeting Details

  • Date: [May 15, 2050]

  • Time: [9:30 AM - 11:00 AM]

  • Location: [Conference Room B, [Your Company Name] Headquarters]

  • Agenda: Review revised structural plans, discuss HVAC progress.

VIII. Closure

  • Thank you to all attendees for their valuable input in today's meeting.

  • Confirming that the revised foundation plan will be sent to all stakeholders by [May 1, 2050].

  • Please ensure that all assigned action items are completed by their respective due dates.

  • We look forward to reconvening on [May 15, 2050] to review progress and discuss further developments.

  • Meeting adjourned at [11:30 AM].

IX. Prepared By

Name: [Your Name]

Position: Project Coordinator

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