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Florida Last Will and Testament

Florida Last Will and Testament

I. Introduction

This Last Will and Testament is made on this [Date], by [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], in the County of [County], State of Florida, hereby referred to as the "Testator".

II. Declaration of Intent

I, [Your Name], being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament, revoking all previous wills and codicils made by me.

III. Executor Appointment

Appointment of Executor:

I nominate [Executor's Full Name], residing at [Executor's Address], as the Executor of this Will. If [Executor's Full Name] is unable or unwilling to act as Executor, I appoint [Alternate Executor's Full Name], residing at [Alternate Executor's Address], as the Alternate Executor.

Powers of the Executor:

My Executor shall have the following powers:

  • Administer my estate according to the terms of this Will.

  • Pay my debts, funeral expenses, and testamentary expenses from my estate.

  • Distribute the remainder of my estate as specified in this Will.

IV. Bequests and Distributions

Specific Bequests:

I hereby make the following specific bequests:

  • To [Beneficiary 1], I bequeath my [Description of Specific Bequest].

  • To [Beneficiary 2], I bequeath my [Description of Specific Bequest].

Residuary Estate:

I give, devise, and bequeath the residue of my estate, including any property not otherwise effectively disposed of by this Will, to [Residuary Beneficiary], to be distributed according to their discretion.

V. Guardianship Provisions

Guardianship of Minor Children:

If any of my minor children require a guardian, I nominate [Guardian's Full Name] as the guardian of their person and [Alternate Guardian's Full Name] as the alternate guardian.

Management of Minor's Property:

I appoint [Trustee's Full Name] as the trustee to manage any property passed to my minor children. The trustee shall hold, manage, and distribute such property for the benefit of my minor children.

VI. Miscellaneous Provisions

No Contest Clause:

If any beneficiary under this Will contests the validity of this Will or any of its provisions, that beneficiary shall forfeit any bequest or share provided for in this Will.

Governing Law:

The interpretation and execution of this Will shall be governed by and adhere to the laws applicable in the State of Florida.

Survivorship Requirement:

If it cannot be determined whether I or another person survived the other by 30 days, it shall be deemed that the other person predeceased me.

VII. Witnesses and Signatures


I declare that the foregoing instrument consisting of [Number of Pages] pages, including this page, is my Last Will and Testament. I sign my name to this Will on [Date], at [Location], in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, who sign their names in my presence.


[Your Name]

[Name of Witness 1]

[Name of Witness 2]

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