Free Kansas Will Template
Kansas Will
I. Declaration
I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], being of sound mind and legal age, do hereby declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament, revoking any and all Wills and Codicils previously made by me.
II. Executor
I appoint [Executor Name], residing at [Executor Address], as the Executor of my Will. If [Executor Name] is unable or unwilling to serve, then I appoint [Alternate Executor Name], residing at [Alternate Executor Address], as the alternate Executor.
III. Guardian of Minor Children
In the event I am the surviving parent or guardian of my minor children at the time of my death, I appoint [Guardian Name], residing at [Guardian Address], as the guardian of my children. If [Guardian Name] is unable or unwilling to serve, then I appoint [Alternate Guardian Name], residing at [Alternate Guardian Address] as the alternate guardian.
IV. Bequests
I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts, funeral expenses, and the expenses of administering my estate as soon as reasonably practicable after my death.
I devise and bequeath my property and assets as follows:
A. Real Property:
I devise and bequeath my real property located at [Property Address] to [Beneficiary Name].
B. Personal Property:
I bequeath the rest and residue of my personal property to be divided equally among my children, [Child 1 Name], [Child 2 Name], and [Child 3 Name].
C. Financial Assets:
I direct that my financial assets, including but not limited to bank accounts, stocks, and bonds, be distributed in accordance with the beneficiary designations on file with the respective financial institutions.
If any of my beneficiaries predecease me or fail to survive me by thirty (30) days, I direct that the share of my estate that would have passed to them shall be distributed to the surviving beneficiaries in equal shares.
V. Miscellaneous Provisions
If any beneficiary under this Will is a minor at the time of my death, I direct that his or her share shall be held in trust by my Executor or Guardian until he or she attains the age of majority, at which time the share shall be distributed outright to the beneficiary.
I hereby revoke all prior wills and codicils.
VI. Signatures
This will shall be executed on the 20th day of January 2050, in the presence of two witnesses, who will also provide their signatures in affirmation of witnessing our sound execution of this will.
[Your Name]
[Date Signed]
Witness 1
[Witness 1 Name]
[Date Signed]
Witness 2
[Witness 2 Name]
[Date Signed]
VII. Notary
State of Kansas, County of [Your County], ss:
On this 20th day of January 2050, before me, [Notary's Name], a notary public in and for the said state, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same as his/her free act and deed.
Notary Public: [Notary's Name]
My Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]