South Carolina Last Will and Testament

South Carolina Last Will and Testament

This Last Will and Testament ("the Will") is made by [Your Name], currently residing at [Your Company Address], herein referred to as the "Testator". I declare that I am of legal age to make this Will and am of sound mind and memory. This Will revokes all previous wills and codicils.

I. Declaration

I, [Your Name], residing in [City, State], hereby declare this document to be my last will, thereby revoking all previous Wills and Codicils. May this declaration serve as a steadfast expression of my wishes, ensuring clarity and certainty in the disposition of my estate.

II. Family Information

At the time of this document, I am [Married/Single/Divorced/Widowed]. Details of my family are as follows:

  • Spouse: [Spouse's Full Name]

  • Children:

    • [Child's Full Name]

    • [Child's Full Name]

  • Other Dependents:

    • [Dependent's Full Name], relationship [Relationship]

III. Appointment of Executor

I hereby designate [Executor's Full Name] of [Executor’s Full Address, City, State, Zip Code] as the Executor of this Will. In the event that [Executor's Full Name] is unable or unwilling to fulfill this role, I nominate [Alternate Executor's Full Name] of [Alternate Executor’s Full Address, City, State, Zip Code] as the alternate Executor. May they both execute their duties faithfully and responsibly following my wishes.

IV. Executor's Powers

The Executor shall possess all powers granted by law, encompassing, but not limited to, the following:

  • Collect, inventory, and assess all assets within my estate.

  • Settle all outstanding debts, funeral expenses, taxes, and administrative costs on my estate.

  • Execute the sale, lease, or distribution of assets within my estate as deemed necessary.

  • Manage affairs concerning any digital assets and electronic communications by applicable laws and regulations.

V. Specific Bequests

I instruct my Executor to distribute specific items from my estate as follows:



[Item Description]

[Recipient’s Full Name]

[Item Description]

[Recipient’s Full Name]

VI. Residuary Estate

I hereby bestow upon [Name of Beneficiary], a resident of [Beneficiary’s Full Address], the entirety of the residual estate, encompassing all remaining assets, both tangible and intangible, of my estate. May these possessions serve as a testament to my enduring appreciation and affection for [Name of Beneficiary], ensuring their continued well-being and prosperity.

VII. Guardianship of Minor Children

In the event I am the sole guardian of my minor children at the time of my death, I appoint [Guardian's Full Name] of [Guardian’s Full Address] as guardian of my children. If [Guardian's Full Name] is unable or unwilling to act, then I appoint [Alternate Guardian's Full Name].

VIII. Attestation

This Will was signed herein on the date below by [Your Name], the Testator, in the presence of us, who in their presence, and at their request, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses on this [DATE].




Witness 1:



Witness 2:



IX. Notary

State of South Carolina, County of [YOUR COUNTY], ss:

On this [DATE], before me, [NOTARY'S NAME], a notary public in and for the said state, personally appeared [YOUR NAME], known to me to be the person described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same as his/her free act and deed for the purposes therein contained.

Notary Public: [NOTARY'S NAME]

My Commission Expires: [EXPIRATION DATE]

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