Delaware Will



This Will is made by [Your Name], currently residing at [Your Address], in the state of Delaware. I declare that I am over the age of eighteen years and of sound mental health. This document is my last will, revoking all previously made wills and codicils.


I. Executor Appointment

I hereby appoint [Executor's Full Name] as the Executor of this Will. If [Executor's Full Name] is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint [Alternate Executor's Full Name] as the alternate Executor. The appointed Executor shall have all powers as provided by Delaware law and necessary to administer my estate.

II. Guardian for Minor Children

If I am the parent or legal guardian of minor children at the time of my passing, I appoint [Guardian's Full Name] as the guardian of my minor children. If [Guardian's Full Name] is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint [Alternate Guardian's Full Name] as the alternate guardian.

III. Distribution of Assets

My estate shall be distributed as follows:

  • To [Beneficiary One's Full Name], I bequeath [Describe Assets, Money, Property].

  • To [Beneficiary Two's Full Name], I bequeath [Describe Assets, Money, Property].

  • If any of the above-named beneficiaries predeceases me, the share intended for that beneficiary shall be distributed to their surviving descendants, per stirpes.

IV. Specific Bequests

I make the following specific bequests:

  • [Item Description]: [Recipient's Full Name]

  • [Another Item Description]: [Another Recipient's Full Name]

V. Funeral and Burial Instructions

I wish for my funeral and burial to be conducted according to the following instructions:

[Detailed Funeral and Burial Instructions]

VI. Debts and Expenses

All my just debts, funeral expenses, and expenses of last illness shall first be paid from my estate.

VII. Residual Clause

All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, and wherever situated, not effectively disposed of by this will, shall be distributed to [Residuary Beneficiary's Name].

VIII. Miscellaneous Provisions

I hereby revoke any former wills and codicils previously made by me. I express my desire that my estate be settled without unnecessary delay and undue expense.

IX. Notarization

In witness whereof, I have signed and sealed this document on this 1st day of January 2050, at [Location], in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.


Witness 1

Name: [Witness Name 1]

Address: [Witness Address 1]

Witness 2

Name: [Witness Name 2]

Address: [Witness Address 2]


State of Delaware
County of [County Name]

On this 1st day of January 2050, before me, a notary public personally appeared [Your Name], [Witness 1 Name], and [Witness 2 Name], known to me (or proved to me based on satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same in their authorized capacities and that by their signatures on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.

Notary Public Name: [Notary's Name]

Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]


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