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Ohio Last Will and Testament

Ohio Last Will and Testament

This Last Will and Testament is hereby declared by [Your Name], resident in the State of Ohio, born on [Your Date of Birth], and being of sound mind and legal age. In this document, I express my wishes concerning the distribution of my assets and the care of my dependents following my death.

I. Declaration

I, [Your Name], a resident of [City, State, ZIP], being of sound mental health and understanding - uncoerced and of my free will, do hereby declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. I hereby revoke any and all former Wills and Codicils made by me.

II. Executor

I appoint [Executor's Full Name] of [Executor's Address], as the Executor of my Will, to administer my estate according to the terms drafted herein. Should the above-named be unable or unwilling to act as Executor, I nominate [Alternate Executor's Full Name] of [Alternate Executor's Address] as alternate Executor.

III. Guardians

In the event I am survived by my minor children, I appoint [Guardian's Full Name] of [Guardian's Address] as their legal guardian. Should the above-named be unable to fulfill this role, I appoint [Alternate Guardian's Full Name] of [Alternate Guardian's Address] as alternate guardian.

IV. Bequests

  • To [Beneficiary Name 1], I bequeath [Description of Asset or Amount of Money].

  • To [Beneficiary Name 2], I bequeath [Description of Asset or Amount of Money].

  • If I predecease my spouse, [Spouse's Name], all remaining assets are to be transferred to them. Should [Spouse's Name] predecease me, the remaining assets are to be divided equally among my children, [Names of Children].

V. Digital Assets

I give my Executor full power and authority to access, handle, distribute, and dispose of my digital assets according to the provisions laid out for tangible assets. Specific instructions regarding key digital assets are as follows:

  • Social media accounts: My Executor shall follow the instructions attached in Appendix A.

  • Email accounts: Per the terms detailed in Appendix B.

VI. Funeral Arrangements

My wishes for funeral arrangements are as follows: I prefer a [Type of Ceremony] ceremony to be held at [Location]. Specific instructions, if any, are noted in Appendix C.

VII. Signing

This Will was made and declared by [Your Name] on [Date], as a clear expression of my wishes. I sign it in the presence of three witnesses, who witnessed and attested to my signing, being present at the same time.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

Witness 1

[Witness 1 Name]

[Witness 1 Address]

Witness 2

[Witness 2 Name]

[Witness 2 Address]

VIII. Notary

On this [Date], before me, [Notary's Name], a notary public in and for the said state, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same as his/her free act and deed.

Notary Public: [Notary's Name]

My Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]

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