Free Delaware Living Will Template



Free Delaware Living Will Template

Delaware Living Will

This Delaware Living Will is made by [YOUR NAME] ("the Declarant"), currently residing at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS]. This Directive outlines my preferences for pain management and comfort measures to be employed during my medical treatment if I am unable to communicate my wishes due to illness or incapacity.

I. Declaration of Understanding

I, [YOUR NAME], am of sound mind and voluntarily make this Directive to guide my caregivers and family in making decisions about my health care. I understand the nature and purpose of this document and am fully informed of my options concerning the management of pain and comfort.

II. Appointment of Health Care Proxy

If I am incapable of making my own healthcare decisions, I hereby designate the following individual as my Health Care Proxy:







Phone Number:


If my primary Health Care Proxy is unable, unwilling, or unavailable to act on my behalf, I designate the following individual as my alternate Health Care Proxy:







Phone Number:


III. Preferences for Pain Management and Comfort Measures

If I am unable to make decisions for myself, my preferences for pain relief and comfort measures are as follows:

  1. Type of pain relief:

  • I prefer to have pain managed comprehensively, addressing both physical and emotional aspects. Ideally, a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods would be employed.

  1. Preferred medications:

  • Morphine: Start with a low dose (e.g., 2-5 mg) administered orally or via subcutaneous injection, and titrate upwards as needed for pain control.

  • Acetaminophen: Use as an adjunct for mild to moderate pain (e.g., 650 mg every 4-6 hours).

  • Benzodiazepines: Consider low-dose lorazepam (e.g., 0.5 mg) for anxiety and muscle relaxation if needed.

  1. Non-pharmacological methods:

  • Massage Therapy: Regular sessions of gentle massage for relaxation and muscle tension relief.

  • Aromatherapy: Use of lavender or chamomile essential oils for calming effects.

  • Music Therapy: Soft, soothing music played regularly to promote relaxation and comfort.

  1. Restrictions or limitations:

  • Avoid NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs): Due to potential gastric issues, I prefer to avoid NSAIDs unless necessary and if gastroprotection measures are in place.

  • Limit Sedative Use: While some sedation may be needed for comfort, I want to remain as alert and communicative as possible unless my comfort is severely compromised.

  • Consultation with Palliative Care Team: Request a consultation with a palliative care specialist for ongoing pain and symptom management, ensuring that all treatments align with my overall goals of care.

    IV. Additional Instructions for Terminal Care

In the unfortunate circumstance where my condition is terminal and recovery is not expected, the following outlines my wishes:

A. Preference regarding life-sustaining treatment:

I do not wish to undergo any life-prolonging treatments that would only serve to delay the inevitable without offering meaningful improvement in quality of life. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): I do not wish to be resuscitated in the event of cardiac arrest.

  • Mechanical Ventilation: I prefer not to be placed on mechanical ventilation if my breathing becomes severely compromised.

  • Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: I do not want to receive artificial nutrition or hydration if I am unable to eat or drink naturally and comfortably.

B. Any specific interventions to avoid:

  • Invasive Procedures: Avoid invasive procedures that do not directly contribute to comfort or quality of life.

  • Aggressive Therapies: Refrain from aggressive medical interventions that do not align with my wishes for comfort-focused care.

C. Other instructions or preferences:

  • Comfort and Palliative Care: My primary goal is to receive compassionate and comprehensive palliative care focused on pain relief, comfort, and maintaining dignity.

  • Family Presence: I would like my family and loved ones to be involved in discussions and decisions regarding my care, ensuring they understand and support my wishes.

  • Spiritual Support: I welcome spiritual or religious support that brings me comfort and peace during this time.

V. Legal Provisions

  1. This Directive shall remain in effect until revoked by me.

  2. The invalidity of any provision of this Directive shall not affect other provisions, and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect as if such invalid provision had not been included.

  3. I revoke any prior medical directives, living wills, or similar documents I have previously executed.

VI. Signatures

This document was signed by me and declared by me to be my Health Care Directive in the presence of witnesses, whose signatures appear below.



Witnesses by:

Witness 1:



Witness 2:



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