Free Virginia Living Will Template



Free Virginia Living Will Template

Virginia Living Will

I. Declaration of Intent

I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], being of sound mind and understanding the importance of making my healthcare preferences known, hereby declare this document to be my Virginia Living Will.

II. Statement of Medical Preferences

If I am unable to communicate my wishes regarding medical treatment due to incapacity or terminal illness, I hereby express my preferences as follows:

  1. End-of-Life Care:

    • Prioritize comfort and dignity.

    • CPR only if the a chance of meaningful recovery.

    • Ventilation if potential for quality life.

    • Accept artificial nutrition if chance of recovery.

    • Open to dialysis if it improves the quality of life.

    • Other invasive procedures for comfort only.

    • Request palliative care and hospice when appropriate.

  2. Decision Making:

    • Value collaborative decision-making.

    • Designate [Name of Healthcare Agent] as a healthcare decision-maker.

III. End-of-Life Care Preferences

I understand that there may come a time when my condition is terminal and death is imminent. In such circumstances, I request the following regarding end-of-life care:

  1. I request that all measures be taken to keep me comfortable and alleviate pain.

  2. I do/do not wish to receive life-sustaining treatments, including but not limited to:

    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

    • Mechanical ventilation

    • Artificial nutrition and hydration

    • Dialysis

    • Other invasive procedures

  3. I wish to receive/decline palliative care and hospice services to ensure a comfortable and dignified end-of-life experience.

IV. Additional Instructions

Any additional instructions or specific preferences regarding medical treatment or end-of-life care not covered in this document are as follows:

  1. Pain Management: Prioritize pain relief.

  2. Spiritual and Emotional Support: Ensure access to spiritual guidance and counseling.

  3. Personal Comfort: Maintain dignity and privacy.

  4. Communication: Keep me informed; utilize alternative communication methods if needed.

  5. Family Involvement: Involve the designated healthcare agent and family in decision-making.

  6. Cultural/Religious Considerations: Respect and accommodate cultural/religious beliefs.

  7. Funeral Preferences: Specify funeral arrangements and burial/cremation wishes.

V. Appointment of Healthcare Agent

If I am unable to make medical decisions for myself, I hereby designate the following individual(s) as my healthcare agent(s) to make healthcare decisions on my behalf:

  • Name of Healthcare Agent: [Full Name]

  • Relationship to Testator: [Relationship]

  • Contact Information: [Phone Number, Email Address]

VI. Revocation of Prior Documents

I hereby revoke any prior Living Will or Advance Directive that I have previously executed.

VII. Signature and Witness

I sign this document on this [DATE] in the presence of the following witnesses, who attest to my signing of this Virginia Living Will:




Witness #1



Witness #2



VIII. Notarization (optional)

This Living Will may be notarized for additional legal validity, though it is not required by Virginia law.

Notary Public Name: [NOTARY'S NAME]

Commission Expires: [EXPIRATION DATE]

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