Law Firm Affirmation of Truth Affidavit

Law Firm Affirmation of Truth Affidavit

State of [Your State]

County of [Your County]

Affirmation of Truth Affidavit of [Affiant’s Full Name]

Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared [Affiant’s Full Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

1. Introduction

I, [Affiant’s Full Name], of legal age, residing at [Affiant's Address], am employed in the capacity of [Your Job Title] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. I hereby make this affirmation of truth under oath and declare the following statements to be accurate, based on my personal knowledge.

2. Background

This affirmation is executed on [Date] and submitted as a truthful declaration concerning the matters detailed herein, associated with [describe the purpose or the legal matter at hand]. I possess firsthand knowledge of these matters through my professional activities and am competent to testify to the facts stated herein.

3. Statement of Facts

  1. Accuracy and Truthfulness: I affirm that all statements made in this affidavit are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, based on direct observations and experiences in my professional role.

  2. Capacity and Authorization: As an authorized representative of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], I am directly involved with the operational activities of the company and am authorized to make official statements regarding the company’s matters.

  3. Detailed Facts:

    Fact A: Agreement Execution in 2050

    • On January 12, 2050, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] entered into a significant agreement with GHI Logistics for the transportation and logistics management of its products. This agreement (Contract #2050-GHI789) is crucial as it covers comprehensive service terms including timelines, cost, and quality standards.

    Fact B: Performance Issues in 2050

    • GHI Logistics has not met the performance standards outlined in the agreement. Specific issues included delayed shipments and mishandling of goods, which were first documented on February 20, 2050, and have persisted despite multiple notices.

    Fact C: Actions Taken in 2050

    • [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has taken diligent steps to address these issues, including sending formal notices on March 10, 2050, and arranging operational reviews on April 5, 2050. These actions are well-documented through official correspondence and review reports.

    Fact D: Current Status in 2050

    • As of May 30, 2050, discussions are ongoing to rectify the situation. The potential for legal action or arbitration is being considered if a resolution cannot be mutually agreed upon. This step is considered necessary to uphold the contractual obligations and protect the interests of [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

4. Sworn Declaration

I, [Affiant’s Full Name], solemnly affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements made in this affidavit are complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. This declaration is made freely and without coercion, with full awareness of its legal implications.

5. Execution

This affirmation of truth is executed on this day of [Date] at [Location of Execution]. I affirm that the information provided herein accurately represents the facts in relation to the ongoing matters involving [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

[Printed Name of Affiant]

Affirmed to and subscribed before me this day of [Date, 2050].


[Printed Name of Notary Public]

My commission expires on: [Date]

Notary Public, State of [Your State]

[Notary Public Commission Number, if applicable]

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