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Maryland Last Will and Testament

Maryland Last Will and Testament


I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], being of sound mind and memory, declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament. This Will revokes all previous Wills and codicils that I have previously made.

I. Declaration

I declare that I am legally competent to make this Will under no duress or undue influence. I am a legal resident of the state of Maryland, and this Will comply with the laws and regulations of the same state.

II. Family Information

I am currently:

  • Married to [Spouse's Name]

  • The parent of the following children: [List Children's Names]

If any beneficiary in this Will predeceases me, their portion of my estate shall be distributed equally amongst the surviving beneficiaries, or to their descendants per stirpes.

III. Appointment of Executor

I at this moment nominate and appoint [Executor's Name] as the Executor of this Will. If [Executor's Name] is unable or unwilling to serve, then I appoint [Alternate Executor's Name] as the alternate Executor.

IV. Disposition of Property

My estate shall be distributed as follows:

  1. [Specific Bequest]: I give, devise, and bequeath [Description of Property] to [Beneficiary's Name].

  2. [Specific Bequest]: I give, devise, and bequeath [Description of Property] to [Beneficiary's Name].

  3. The remainder of my estate, after the distribution of the specific bequests, shall be distributed in the following manner:

    • 50% to [Beneficiary's Name]

    • 50% to [Beneficiary's Name]

V. Guardianship

If I am the sole surviving parent of minor children at the time of my death, I appoint [Guardian's Name] as guardian of my children. If [Guardian's Name] is unable or unwilling to serve as guardian, I appoint [Alternate Guardian's Name] as alternate guardian.

VI. Debts and Taxes

I direct that all my just debts, funeral expenses, and expenses of my last illness be first paid from my estate. I further direct that all estate, inheritance, and succession taxes, including any interest and penalties thereon arising from my death, be paid out of my estate without recovery from any beneficiary.

VII. General Provisions

At this moment:

  • Direct that no bond or security of any kind shall be required of any executor, trustee, or guardian appointed in this Will.

  • Grant to my Executor the power to sell, lease, or mortgage any real estate in which I may own an interest at the time of my death, without a court order and notice to beneficiaries.

VIII. Signatures

This Will was signed and declared by [Your Name], the Testator, as the Testator's Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who in his/her presence and at his/her request, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses.


Name: [Your Name]

Address: [Your Address]

Witness 1

Name: [Witness 1 Name]

Address: [Witness 1 Address]

Witness 2

Name: [Witness 2 Name]

Address: [Witness 2 Address]

IX. Notary

State of Maryland, ss:

On this [Date], before me, [Notary's Name], a notary public in and for the said state, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same as his/her free act and deed.

Notary Public: [Notary's Name]

My Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]


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