Free Arkansas Will Template



Free Arkansas Will Template

Arkansas Will


I. Declaration

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], being of sound mind and disposing of memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this document as my last will, revoking all prior Wills and codicils.

II. Executor

I nominate and appoint [Executor's Full Name], residing at [Executor's Address], to serve as the Executor of my estate. I desire that my Executor shall have full authority to act without court intervention.

II. Beneficiaries

I hereby give, devise, and bequeath my assets and property as follows:

  • [Description of Asset 1]: I give, devise, and bequeath my [Description of Asset 1] to [Name of Beneficiary 1].

  • [Description of Asset 2]: I give, devise, and bequeath my [Description of Asset 2] to [Name of Beneficiary 2].

  • [Description of Asset 3]: I give, devise, and bequeath my [Description of Asset 3] to be shared equally among [Name(s) of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries].

III. Residuary Estate

I give, devise, and bequeath the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, including any property I may acquire after the date of this Will, to [Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries], to be divided equally among them.

IV. Guardian for Minor Children

If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate [Guardian's Full Name] as the Guardian for their care and upbringing. If this nominee is unable or unwilling to serve, I nominate [Alternative Guardian's Full Name] as the alternate Guardian.

V. Powers of Executor

I grant my Executor the following powers:

  • To sell, mortgage, lease, or otherwise manage or dispose of any real or personal property belonging to my estate.

  • To invest and reinvest estate assets in such manner as deemed appropriate.

  • To pay debts, expenses, and taxes of my estate from estate assets.

VI. Miscellaneous Provisions

  • I direct that my debts, funeral expenses, and administration expenses be paid from my estate.

  • I declare that this Will reflects my wishes and intentions and that I am not making any provisions for any other person not mentioned herein.

  • I declare that I am of legal age and sound mind at the time of making this Will.

  • I declare that this Will shall be governed by and construed by the laws of the State of Arkansas.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on this 18th day of April 2050.

[Your Name]

VII. Witnesses

Signed, sealed, published, and declared by [Your Name] as and for [his/her] last will in the presence of us, who, at [his/her] request, and in [his/her] presence, and the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto:

Witness 1:

[Witness Name 1]

[Witness Address 1]

Witness 2:

[Witness Name 2]

[Witness Address 2]

VIII. Notary Acknowledgment

State of Arkansas, County of [County].

On this 18th day of April 2050, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that [he/she] executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal:

[Notary Public Name], State of Arkansas

[Date Signed]


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