Product Requirements Document

Product Requirements Document

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to outline the features and functionality expected from the [PRODUCT NAME], ensuring alignment among stakeholders and guiding the development team.

1.2 Scope

The [PRODUCT NAME] is an IoT-based security solution for residential use. This document will define its core features and functionality to meet the needs of homeowners seeking enhanced home security.

2. Features and Functionality

2.1 Feature 1: Motion Detection

  • Description: Detects motion in designated areas.

  • Functionality:

    • Sends real-time alerts to the homeowner's smartphone.

    • Triggers recording of video footage.

  • Acceptance Criteria:

    • Detection accuracy of at least 95%.

    • Response time of under 1 second.

  • Priority: High

2.2 Feature 2: Remote Access

  • Description: Allows remote monitoring and control of the security system.

  • Functionality:

    • Live streaming of camera feeds.

    • Arm/disarm the system remotely.

  • Acceptance Criteria:

    • Seamless connectivity across different networks.

    • Secure authentication mechanisms.

  • Priority: High

3. Non-functional Requirements

3.1 Performance

  • System should handle up to 10 concurrent video streams.

  • Response time for remote access functions should be under 3 seconds.

3.2 Security

  • Data encryption for all communication between devices and the cloud.

  • Multi-factor authentication for accessing the system remotely.

3.3 Compatibility

  • Compatible with major smartphone operating systems (iOS, Android).

  • Integration with popular smart home platforms (e.g., Google Home, Amazon Alexa).

4. Constraints

  • Budget constraints: Total development cost should not exceed $500,000.

  • Time constraints: Project completion is required within 12 months.

5. Assumptions

  • Homeowners will have reliable internet connectivity for remote access.

  • Users will have basic technical knowledge for initial setup and configuration.

6. Dependencies

  • Integration with third-party cloud storage provider for video storage.

  • Availability of SDKs for integrating with smart home platforms.

7. Revision History







Initial version


8. Approval

This Product Requirements Document is approved by:


Product Manager

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