Free Software Product Requirements Document Template



Free Software Product Requirements Document Template

Software Product Requirements Document

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline the requirements for the development of the Task Tracker Program, ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project scope and objectives.

1.2 Scope The scope of this project includes features such as task creation, assignment, tracking, and reporting.

2. Functional Requirements

2.1 User Authentication

  • The system shall provide secure user authentication through username and password.

  • Users shall be able to reset their passwords via email verification.

2.2 Task Management

  • Users shall be able to create, edit, and delete tasks.

  • Tasks shall have attributes such as title, description, priority, due date, and status.

3. Non-Functional Requirements

3.1 Performance

  • The system shall be able to handle 1000 concurrent users without degradation in performance.

  • Response times for common operations shall be under 500 milliseconds.

3.2 Security

  • The system shall implement industry-standard encryption protocols to protect user data.

  • Access to sensitive data shall be restricted based on user roles and permissions.

4. User Interface Design

4.1 Navigation

  • The user interface shall follow a clear and intuitive navigation structure.

  • Navigation menus shall be organized logically for easy access to features.

4.2 Visual Design

  • The user interface shall use a modern and visually appealing design.

  • Color schemes and typography shall be consistent throughout the application.

5. Development Environment

5.1 Technology Stack

  • Backend: Node.js with Express framework, MongoDB database

  • Frontend: React.js with Material-UI library

  • Other Tools: Git for version control, Jenkins for CI/CD

5.2 Development Environment Setup

  • Developers shall use Git for code management.

  • Continuous integration and deployment pipelines shall be set up using Jenkins.

6. Glossary

  • API: Application Programming Interface

  • CI/CD: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

7. Revision History






May 15, 2050

Initial draft

[Your Name]

This Software Product Requirements Document (PRD) serves as a guide for the development team, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned on the project requirements and objectives.

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