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Confluence Product Requirements Document

Confluence Product Requirements Document

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to outline the detailed specifications and requirements for each feature or functionality of [PRODUCT NAME], ensuring clarity and alignment among stakeholders.

1.2 Scope

This document covers all features and functionalities to be included in the initial release of [PRODUCT NAME].

2. Product Overview

2.1 Description

[PRODUCT NAME] is a task management application designed to help individuals and teams organize, prioritize, and track their tasks efficiently.

2.2 Goals

  • Provide a user-friendly interface for task management.

  • Support collaboration among team members.

  • Ensure seamless integration with popular productivity tools.

2.3 Target Audience

The target audience for [PRODUCT NAME] includes professionals, students, and teams in various industries seeking an effective task management solution.

3. Feature Specifications




Acceptance Criteria

Task Creation

Users can create new tasks with titles, descriptions, due dates, and priority levels.

  • Task title field is required.

  • Due date must be selectable from a calendar widget.

  • Priority level must be selectable from a dropdown menu.

  • User should be able to create a task with all required fields filled.

  • Task should be displayed in the task list after creation.

Task Assigning

Users can assign tasks to themselves or other team members.

  • Assignee field must allow selection of users from a dropdown menu.

  • Assignee field should default to the current user.

  • User should be able to assign a task to themselves or another user successfully.

  • Assigned task should be displayed in the assignee's task list.

Task Comments

Users can add comments to tasks for discussion and collaboration.

  • Comment field should support text input.

  • Comments should be timestamped and attributed to the commenter.

  • User should be able to submit a comment successfully.

  • Comments should be displayed chronologically below the task.

4. Functional Requirements

4.1 User Roles

  • Admin: Can create and manage teams, access all tasks, and assign tasks to team members.

  • Team Member: Can create tasks, view tasks assigned to them, and collaborate with team members.

4.2 Use Cases

  • User creates a new task and assigns it to a team member.

  • User adds a comment to a task for clarification.

5. Non-functional Requirements



  • Page load time should be under 2 seconds.

  • API response time should be under 500 milliseconds.

  • User authentication must be implemented using industry-standard encryption.

  • Access control must be enforced to restrict unauthorized access to sensitive data.

6. Dependencies

[PRODUCT NAME] relies on the availability of third-party authentication services for user login and authentication.

7. Assumptions and Constraints



  • Users have access to a stable internet connection for using [PRODUCT NAME].

  • Third-party integrations will be available as per their APIs and documentation.

  • Initial development is limited to web-based platforms only.

  • Budget constraints may limit the scope of certain features in the initial release.

8. Revision History






Initial version of the document.

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